And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: some think this prophecy was fulfilled in Nehemiah and Zerobabel, who were pious and good governors, and consulted in their government the good of the people committed to their trust, Nehemiah 2:10, Nehemiah 5:14. Others rather understand it of Christian princes and governors under the gospel. And they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed; under whom they shall live peaceably and securely. Neither shall they be lacking; and none of them shall perish. The two last passages of this verse incline interpreters to think that this promise doth not so much refer to their coming out of Babylon, as to their spiritual deliverance by Christ, for after their return out of Babylon they were not secure long, but feared Sanballat and Tobiah, the Grecians, and Romans, and other enemies; besides that the last words exactly agree with 1 Thessalonians 10:28, when Christ saith his sheep should not perish, and it appears Jeremiah 23:6 that the prophet is speaking of a time when not Judah only, but Israel also, should be saved, and the next verse doth manifestly refer unto Christ.

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