Jeremiah 28:1

JEREMIAH CHAPTER 28 Hananiah's false prophecy: Jeremiah's answer, JEREMIAH 28:1. Hananiah breaketh Jeremiah's yoke: he foretelleth an iron yoke, and Hananiah's death, JEREMIAH 28:10. Here is a great appearing difficulty, viz. _how the fourth year_ could be called THE BEGINNING OF ZEDEKIAH'S REIGN, w... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:2

The false prophet counterfeiteth the style of the true prophets, both in the names which he gives unto God, and in speaking of what God would do, as if already done.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:3

It appeareth by what we met with JEREMIAH 27:16, that this was the constant song of the city prophets at that time, but we read not of any but this Hananiah, who was so confident as to limit a time; nor doth he mention any long time, he saith WITHIN TWO FULL YEARS; but he spake falsely, for it appea... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:4

Only it is admirable, that being so nigh the king's court he should mention the return of Jehoiachin, or Jeconiah, which, had it been true, must have been to the prejudice of Zedekiah, for Jeconiah was the right heir to the crown, being the son of Jehoiakim. Zedekiah his uncle was put in by the conq... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:6

The true _prophet Jeremiah_ speaks to this false prophet with as much boldness as he had spoke to him with impudence, and in the same presence of the priests and of the people, but with a preface of great charity and modesty. AMEN, saith he; which particle is used in holy writ, either as a particle... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:7

The word which I am now about to speak concerneth, thee, and not thee alone, but all the people; therefore do thou mark it well, and let them mark it also.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:8

That is, Thou and I are not the first prophets that have foretold to countries and nations the great judgments of God coming upon them, WAR, EVIL, PESTILENCE: by _evil_, some think is to be understood famine, but it is not much material.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:9

BY PEACE is here meant prosperity, all good being by the Hebrews usually understood under the notion of _peace_. The prophets either prophesied evil or good, according as God revealed his will unto them; what way was for them to discover whether the prophets were truly sent of God, yea or no? It was... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:10

The prophet Jeremiah's coming into the temple with a yoke upon his neck, as a type of the yoke of the king of Babylon, under which the Jews were to come, gave occasion to the affront given him by the false prophet; in a further degree of impudence, being thus confronted by Jeremiah, he pulls the yok... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:11

As God hath his sacraments to confirm the truth of his word, of which his ministers are the stewards and administrators; so the devil hath his sacraments, of which his prophets are the administrators. God by his prophet Jeremiah had revealed his will as to the king of Babylon's success against many... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:12

Some time after this, God taking notice of the affront put upon his prophet Jeremiah, for faithfully discharging the message with which he had intrusted him, revealeth his mind unto Jeremiah, that he might declare it unto the people, and particularly to this false prophet.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:13

Jeremiah seeing the impudence of Hananiah, and that his further discourse with him would do no good, but it may be have caused more danger to himself, prophesying what was more ungrateful to the people than what the false prophet prophesied, and possibly desirous further to know the will of God, wit... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:14

For notwithstanding all he had said, God was resolved to justify his word, and to bring them under subjection to Nebuchadnezzar, and to give all they had also into his power.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:15

Jeremiah being a second time confirmed in the truth of his revelation, and having likewise a special revelation relating to this false prophet, comes now and tells him his doom, viz. that he should die within a year, because he had taught people to believe, and to hope for, and trust to what was fal... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:16

And because by this his doctrine he had made God a liar, contradicting his will revealed by Jeremiah, and by it taught people to hold out against Nebuchadnezzar, and not quietly to yield to him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 28:17

That is, within the compass of a year after that Jeremiah had spoken these words, within two months after that Jeremiah had thus prophesied, as appeareth from JEREMIAH 28:1; so dangerous a thing it is for ministers to teach people contrary to the revealed will of God.... [ Continue Reading ]

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