They shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; instead of the ark, whereon was the mercy-seat, now the church, typified by Jerusalem, Galatians 4:26 Revelation 21:2, shall be the place of God's residence, where by his Spirit he will rule and act in his word and ordinances, and in special the Messias. See Jeremiah 14:21, and Jeremiah 3:16. All the nations shall be gathered unto it; intimating both their readiness to come in, and their number, according to first prophecy of Jacob, Genesis 49:10. See Isaiah 2:2. By nations here understand either the ten tribes, who are called many people, both Israel and Judah united, their distance being taken away; see Jeremiah 3:18; or rather some of all nations, that shall flock into the gospel church; for when the prophets foretell this state, they generally usher it in with the return of this people, at which time the church shall be greatly enlarged. To the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem, i.e. dwelling in Jerusalem, or where the Lord placed his name, viz. of old in Jerusalem, Psalms 122:2,3, &c., but now in the church, Revelation 21:2,3, without ark or temple, Revelation 21:22, where he will be known as it were by his proper name, Isaiah 60:9, or as manifest in the flesh. Neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart; both Jew and Gentile shall now conform themselves to the will of God, Isa 2 3. The word imagination here comes from a root that signifies to see, and thus it is sometimes applied to the judgment, Psalms 17:2, and sometimes to the affection, Psalms 66:18; here it may comprehend both, they will follow neither their own judgment nor affection, but wholly the word of God. The word is thus phrased Numbers 15:39 Ecclesiastes 11:9; some read it after the hardness, Deuteronomy 29:19.

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