How shall I words that speak either, first, God's putting them to their own thoughts, how they could think he should bring such a perfidious people as they were into the land which he had promised; else, secondly, his considering within himself how or what course he should take to bring such a thing about, and accomplish it, they had so greatly degenerated from him and disobliged him; see Hosea 6:4; both implying that such a thing could not be brought about without repentance and true conversion to him, wrought by his free grace, Ephesians 1:5,6. Put thee among the children; esteem thee as my child, till thou give some clearer proof and demonstration of thy repentance. And give thee a pleasant land; how shall I put thee into possession of that pleasant land of desire that I have promised thee? Canaan is so called, Psalms 106:24 Daniel 8:9, Daniel 11:16,41. A goodly heritage, Heb. heritage of glory, or beauty: see Isaiah 4:2. Of the hosts of nations; so called, either because possessed by several potent nations, Numbers 13:28 Deuteronomy 4:38; or rather, it may note the great hosts and multitudes of nations, or Gentiles, that should be joined to them in the gospel church, viz. of God's elect, and so a heritage of the greatest delights, or the desire of nations; a people to whom all the nations would desire to flock; see Ezekiel 20:6; and may be spoken also of the heavenly Canaan: the LXX. render it, the heritage of God, the omnipotent Governor of the nations. And I said, Thou shalt call me, My father: God comes now to a resolution how he would do it. Either it is a direction: q.d. On this condition, that thou wilt own me, and not return any more to idols, this shall be done; or a promise, I will cause thee to own me, and give thee perseverance, that thou shalt not depart from me; and this is very applicable to the work of Christ; see 1 Thessalonians 1:12; see also 2 Corinthians 6:17,18; and the condition is indeed no more than God promiseth to effect in them.

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