Lift up thine eyes; do but look, and consider whether I do charge thee wrongfully or no. Unto the high places: he directs her to the places of her whoredoms and idolatries, called high places, being principally upon hills, 2 Kings 21:3, and divers other places, though sometimes in valleys, Jeremiah 2:23; which notes also her impudence, that whereas other whores affected privacy, she should be filthy in the open view. And see where thou hast not been lien with; thy filthiness has been every where so frequent, that thou canst scarce show a place that hath been free from thy pollutions, Jeremiah 3:6,13, where there are not the footsteps of thy fornications and idolatries. In the ways, viz. to allure passengers, see Ezekiel 16:24,25 and waiting for them, viz. thy associates; not being drawn by others allurements, but thine own lasciviousness. As the Arabian; an allusion to the manner and custom of that people, either lying in wait by the way for passengers, as robbers use to do, Hosea 6:9, they being noted for robbers. Or rather, in way of traffic, that were wont to pitch their tents by the way-sides, that they might meet with their customers to trade, as they passed along; very properly pointing out the practice of harlots. See Proverbs 7:11,12. Thy wickedness; not only thy idolatries, but all other thy wicked courses.

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