The reason why God would have the prophecy written, was for a memorial of God's truth in his promises. Israel never returned as to the body of the people, but those of the ten tribes which were God's people did return; we read, Luke 2:36, of one Anna who was of the tribe of Asher, and many more doubtless did return according to the promises, Jeremiah 3:12,14 Jeremiah 23:6 31:1,6 Eze 37:21,22. It is uncertain whether this promise of returning to their own land was fulfilled in those few of the ten tribes who joined themselves with those of Judah after they were returned from Babylon, or remaineth yet in part to be fulfilled. The former is most probable, and that there shall be no such time when the Jews shall return again to Jerusalem, and possess their own land, for it is hard now to give an account where the posterity of the ten tribes be by whose return the promise should be justified. Besides that the phrase in the beginning of this verse, For, lo, the days come, seem to import a more speedy fulfilling of the promise than after some thousands of years, though it is certain the Jews feed themselves with some such expectations.

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