JEREMIAH CHAPTER 31 The restoration of Israel published, Jeremiah 31:1. Rachel mourning is comforted, Jeremiah 31:15. Ephraim repenting is brought home, Jeremiah 31:18. Christ promised, Jeremiah 31:22. His care over the church, Jeremiah 31:27. His new covenant, Jeremiah 31:31. The stability and enlargement of the church, Jeremiah 31:35. When the Lord's anger shall turn, he having performed all the thoughts of his heart upon the wicked Israelites, he will declare himself not unmindful of the covenant which he made with Abraham and his seed, but will be their God, and they shall be the people of his favour, whom he will protect and bless. It is uncertain whether Israel here is to be taken in a more large sense, as it signifieth the whole twelve tribes, or only Judah, being that part of Israel which was before spoken of.

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