Jeremiah 37:1

JEREMIAH CHAPTER 37 The Egyptians raise the siege of the Chaldeans; and king Zedekiah sendeth to Jeremiah, to pray and inquire of the Lord for them, JEREMIAH 37:1. He prophesieth the Chaldeans return and victory, JEREMIAH 37:6. He is apprehended for a fugitive, beaten, and put into prison, JEREMIAH... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:2

This Zedekiah was little better than Jehoiakim; he seemeth by his story to be of a little better temper, not so cruel and bloody; but he no more regarded God's word by his prophet than Jehoiakim had done.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:3

This was apparently in the time of the siege; for, JEREMIAH 37:5, we read of Pharaoh's army being come to relieve the besieged, whether it was before the Babylonians were departed, or no, is uncertain; but it is plain, if they were departed, the king was afraid they would come back again. That which... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:4

We shall read afterward, JEREMIAH 37:15, that he was imprisoned; and we have heard, JER 32, of two revelations he had while he was in prison; but as yet he walked at liberty.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:5

Zedekiah was set up by the king of Babylon, instead of Jehoiachin, whom the king of Babylon had carried into Babylon. Zedekiah (as is usual in those cases, and as it appeareth, EZEKIEL 17:16) had taken an oath of allegiance to the king of Babylon, but brake it, and the covenant which he made with hi... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:7

The word INQUIRE lets us know that Zedekiah did not send to the prophet only to pray for him, but to inquire of God what the issue would be of this future contingency; it may be more desirous to know that, than that Jeremiah should intercede with God for them. The prophet tells them from God that th... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:10

The substance of the answer returned by the prophet to the king is this: That whereas they pleased themselves with fancies that the Babylonian army now withdrawn to meet with the army of the Egyptians would return no more to the siege, it was a dream; he assures them from God they should return, bes... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:12

The word we translate SEPARATE signifieth _to divide, soften, or make slippery_, which hath made interpreters vary in the exposition of it. But the general use of it, especially in _Pihel_, (the conjugation in which it is here used,) being to signify a dividing or separating, and the latter signific... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:13

THE GATE OF BENJAMIN was some gate that looked toward the inheritance of that tribe, or where those used to go out who went that way; we read of it JEREMIAH 38:7. Irijah was a captain of the guard that was set to watch at the gates, to keep people from going out, or at least some persons; for it sho... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:14

Though Jeremiah, as the Lord's prophet, faithfully revealed the will of God, that the Chaldeans should take the city, to warn the people (if possible) to prevent it by solemn addresses unto God, or at least to prevent what mischief might be prevented by a timely surrender to the king of Babylon, yet... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:15

These princes seem more fierce against the prophet than those that were in the time of Jehoiakim, for they proceed here upon the captain's information, cause the prophet to be beaten, and send him to prison, a prison within the compass of the court, bad enough, as appeareth by Jeremiah's complaint o... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:16

The Hebrew words which we translate DUNGEON signify the _house of the lake_; they certainly signify some pit, or deep hole, or place in the prison, where were some cells or apartments, in which they were wont to keep those whom they judged great malefactors, or against whom they had some special ang... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:17

IS THERE ANY WORD FROM THE LORD? that is, Hath God revealed any thing to thee, concerning what will be the issue of the return of the Chaldean army to the siege of the city? What needed Zedekiah to have asked this, to whom God by this prophet had so often revealed his will in this case? Wicked men a... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:18

That is, What have I done worthy of bonds? I have faithfully heretofore revealed to you the mind and will of God; if this hath offended you, I am not to be blamed, I could not but execute God's commands.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:19

You now see what kind of prophets they are, who fed you with hopes that the king of Babylon's army should return no more to the siege of the city. I told you they would return, you had other prophets that told you they should not, judge now who were the true prophets. The devil in all ages had some... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:20

Though Jeremiah had dealt very faithfully with the king and princes, and they had dealt very hardly and cruelly with him, casting him for no just cause into a nasty prison, and Jeremiah knew well enough that Zedekiah was very soon to be disarmed of his power; yet (to learn us our duty) he speaks wit... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 37:21

COMMANDED THAT THEY SHOULD COMMIT JEREMIAH INTO THE COURT OF THE PRISON; so as he was a prisoner still, but in a freer air, where he did not suffer those inconveniences which he endured in the hole or dungeon. It is of no great moment to know whether the portion of bread allowed the prophet by the k... [ Continue Reading ]

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