Matthew Poole's Concise Commentary
Jeremiah 4:2
And thou shalt swear: this is to be understood, partly by way of command, as Deuteronomy 10:20; and partly by way of direction, if thou swear, or when thou swearest: it is put here synecdochically for the whole worship of God, hereby acknowledging and owning God as the only God. The Lord liveth, in truth, in judgment, and in righteousness: here he prescribes,
1. The form of the oath. viz. The Lord liveth, or, By the life of God, which was that form which they did use in swearing, 1 Samuel 14:39,45, and many other places; so Joseph sware by the life of Pharaoh, Genesis 42:15,16; and Elisha very frequently useth this form, 2 Kings 2:2,4,6 3:14 5:16; which is also to be understood exclusively; q.d. not by any idol, as Baal, &c., or any creature, Jeremiah 5:7 Matthew 5:34 James 5:12, but by God alone, Isaiah 65:16; see Hosea 2:17; for by this indeed we declare the Godhead of him whom we worship, Isaiah 19:18 2. The qualification of it, in which indeed are comprised all the requisites to a religious oath and worship of God, both in our general and particular calling, with respect to God, ourselves, our neighbours, 1. In truth, that the matter and substance of it be really true in itself, Romans 9:1, that which agrees with the intent of the mind, Psalms 24:4, and with the intent of him that administers it; not doubtful, feigned, or deceitful, as they did, Isaiah 48:1 Jeremiah 5:2, but as true as the Lord lives. 2. In judgment, i.e. either in matter or places of judicature, for the decision of controversies, deliberately, advisedly, and reverently, well considering both of the form and matter of the oath, Leviticus 5:4, that God's name be neither taken in vain customarily, or in matters trivial, Deuteronomy 5:11, nor abused by oaths the are rash and precipitant, such as Saul's was, 1 Samuel 14:39, and as Herod s, Matthew 14:7, and without necessity. 3. In righteousness, that none be injured by it, that the things we engage be,
1. Both lawful and possible; see 1 Samuel 25:21,22 1 Samuel 28:10 1 Kings 19:2; and,
2. That we look to the performance, Psalms 15:4 Matthew 5:33; the want of either of which circumstances makes it a bond of iniquity, Ecclesiastes 5:4,5. The nations shall bless themselves in him; this shall be a means to work upon the heathen nations, and prevail with them to come into the same way of worship, that now scorn both you and me, because I am forced to make them the rod of my anger against you, in regard of your provocations, Psalms 47:8,9 Jer 3:17. They shall think themselves happy to be incorporated with thee, that it may be with them according to that promise, Genesis 12:3, Genesis 22:17,18. They shall, as it were, bless themselves in such like form; The Lord make me and mine as Israel; blessed be Israel, and the God of Israel. Or rather, in him shall they glory; whereas before they gloried in their idols, now, being taken into the true church, among God's Israel, they shall glory in God alone, Psalms 106:5, who indeed alone is the glory of his people, Psalms 89:17, Psalms 148:14.