Jeremiah 45:1

JEREMIAH CHAPTER 45 Jeremiah instructeth and comforteth Baruch. This chapter ought to have been annexed to the 36th chapter, or immediately to have followed it, for the writing of Jeremiah's prophecies we read of there. It was eighteen years before this time that the prophet thus spake to Baruch upo... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 45:2

Jeremiah had in his former discourses revealed the will of God concerning nations, here he revealeth it as to Baruch his secretary or clerk, upon which account some compare him to Paul writing to Philemon as well as to churches.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 45:3

Upon Baruch's reading the prophecies after he had wrote them from the mouth of Jeremiah, both he and Jeremiah were sent for before the princes, and advised to hide themselves, as we read, JEREMIAH 36:15,19. This probably disturbed Baruch, and made him lament his condition in such-like expressions, o... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 45:5

What great things Baruch was seeking is not expressed, and impossible to be determined with any certainty; they could not be honour or riches, the time of Jehoiakim's reign was no time for any pious rational man to expect any thing of that nature; he might expect to have been a prophet, as Elisha wa... [ Continue Reading ]

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