Jeremiah 46:1

JEREMIAH CHAPTER 46 The overthrow of Pharaoh's army, JEREMIAH 46:1. The conquest of Egypt by Nebuchadrezzar, JEREMIAH 46:13. God's people comforted, JEREMIAH 46:27,28. This verse contains the title to all the ensuing discourses of this prophet; for though there be some particular verses in these Cha... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:2

PHARAH-NECHO was king of Egypt in Josiah's time; it was by his army that Josiah was killed at Megiddo, 2 KINGS 23:29; it was he that made Jehoiakim king of Judah, taking away Jehoahaz, 2 KINGS 23:34; but though he prevailed at that time, and that was one time when he came out against Carchemish, 2 C... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:4

Art hath so much improved all things in later ages, that it is very hard to determine of what form the several weapons and pieces of armour, whether offensive or defensive, in use at this time were; the most here mentioned seem to have been defensive, and the whole speech of the prophet directed to... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:5

God had either in a vision showed Jeremiah this army of the Egyptians flying, or else had revealed to him that they should be put to flight, which the prophet here publisheth. God made a fear to fall upon the Egyptians, so as when the king of Babylon came to join battle with them, they were not able... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:6

That is, it is in vain for the swift to flee away, the mighty men shall not escape, but they shall stumble and fall at Carchemish, which was near the river Euphrates, and northward from Egypt.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:8

The prophet compareth the Egyptians, fleshed with their former victory obtained against Josiah at Megiddo, and now preparing to another expedition, to a flood, (with allusion probably to the river Nilus, whose waters used to rise to a great height,) both for the multitude of their soldiers, and for... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:9

Their ancient way of fighting was with chariots and bows; the prophet calls, in the name of the commanders of the Egyptian armies, to the horses and chariots to come on, and engage in the fight. The ETHIOPIANS were the Cushites, who were neighbours to the Egyptians, so were the Libyans; both of them... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:10

Or, BUT THIS IS THE DAY OF THE LORD, & c. Pharaoh is mistaken in accounting this day his own, because of the multitude of his forces, this is THE DAY OF THE LORD, who as he is the Lord of all the hosts of his creatures, so hath a particular rule and government over hosts of men: this is further expl... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:11

Great states are ordinarily in Scripture called VIRGINS, for their beauty and pleasant state; GILEAD was a most famous place for balm. The prophet ironically calls to the Egyptians to go to Gilead for balm, but tells them it would be to no purpose, God was about to wound them beyond all help of medi... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:12

The prophet keepeth to his old prophetic style, speaking of things that were to come to pass some years after as if they were already past, because of the certainty of them; in this sense he saith other nations had seen, because they should see, the shame and confusion of the Egyptians upon their ov... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:13

A revelation different from the former in this, that the former only foretold the overthrow of the king of Egypt in a particular battle in Carchemish near Euphrates, of which we read that the thing was done, 2 KINGS 24:7. This foretells the king of Babylon's overrunning all the land of Egypt, and wa... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:14

Concerning these three cities of Egypt, SEE POOLE ON "JEREMIAH 44:1": the meaning is, Publish this prophecy over all the land of Egypt. Or perhaps these three were the chief places whither the Jews that went with Johanan the son of Kareah, &c. went, and where they fixed themselves: many more places... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:15

The prophet first propoundeth a question, then returneth answer to himself. Egypt was full of valiant men, yet, saith the prophet, they shall be swept away, or broken down, as fruit or grass is beaten down with a violent storm of hail (so the word is used, PROVERBS 28:3). How comes this to pass? (sa... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:16

The prophet had before spoken of Nebuchadnezzar, as an instrument in the hand of God, who being armed with his commission and power, made many to fall, yea, God caused such a fear to fall upon them, that in their flight they fell upon one another. And though they had many soldiers that came to help... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:17

That is, the Ethiopians and Lubims that should come to help the king of Egypt should cry, or the Chaldeans or the Egyptians themselves should cry, Pharaoh is but a noise, that is, hath made a great noise, but it cometh to nothing: others make the sense, Pharaoh is a man of noise, or tumult. that hat... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:18

That is, he shall as certainly come and encompass you with his armies as Tabor is encompassed with mountains, and as Carmel is by the sea, or as Barak going down from Mount Tabor destroyed Sisera's army, or as surely as the rain came which Elijah first discovered from Mount Carmel, 1 KINGS 18:41,42.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:19

That is, O you inhabitants in the land of Egypt, make ready to go into another country as prisoners of war; for your cities shall be destroyed; Noph particularly shall be wholly depopulated and laid waste, and have none to dwell in it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:20

That is, Egypt is now in a thriving, prosperous condition, having not used to be under any yoke, like a heifer that is fair and fat; but she will not be so long, she is but as a beast fatted for the slaughter, and there are slaughtermen coming out of Chaldea that will kill this fair heifer, and make... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:21

OLBHeb; ALSO HER HIRED MEN ARE IN THE MIDST OF HER LIKE FATTED BULLOCKS; the mercenary soldiers also, which the Egyptians have hired from Cush and Phut, and other parts, are at present in a flourishing, prosperous state. FOR THEY ALSO ARE TURNED BACK, AND ARE FLED AWAY TOGETHER; THEY DID NOT STAND:... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:22

Egypt is now like a heifer that makes a great bellowing, but the time shall come when she shall make a lesser noise, like the hissing of a serpent when it seeth itself set upon. For the Chaldeans shall come with a great army, armed with battle-axes, as if they came to fell down some wood in a forest... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:23

Egypt is compared to a forest, either for the multitude of cities or of people in that country; and to a thick forest, because as it is a hard thing to make one's way through a forest, so it was judged as hard for an enemy to make his way into that country: in human probability Egypt could not be se... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:24

That is, into the hand or power of the Chaldeans; it is the same thing which the prophet had before said again and again, and repeats it so often only for the further confirmation of the truth of the prediction, notwithstanding the appearing improbability of any such thing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:25

THE LORD OF HOSTS, THE GOD OF ISRAEL, SAITH: these names are often in conjunction given unto God, the first signifying his power or ability to do what he either promiseth or threateneth, the other speaking his kindness and near relation to the Jews. BEHOLD, I WILL PUNISH THE MULTITUDE OF NO: there a... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:26

The former part of this verse is but the same which the prophet hath often before said. The latter part is a promise for the restoration of Egypt to some degrees of its former prosperity and liberty. The determinate time for the fulfilling of this prophecy is told us, EZEKIEL 29:13,14, viz. at the e... [ Continue Reading ]

Jeremiah 46:28

SEE POOLE ON "JEREMIAH 30:10", SEE POOLE ON "JEREMIAH 30:11", where is the substance of what is said in these two verses, and almost the very words are repeated. The great thing to be observed by us is the difference which the just and righteous God maketh betwixt his punishments of his church and o... [ Continue Reading ]

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