Then Job arose from his seat, whereon he was sitting in a disconsolate posture. Rent his mantle, to testify his deep sense of and just sorrow for the heavy hand of God upon him, and his humiliation of himself under his hand. See Genesis 37:34. Shaved his head, i.e. caused the hair of his head to be shaved or cut off, which was then a usual ceremony in mourning, of which see Ezra 9:3 Isaiah 15:2, Isaiah 22:12 Jeremiah 7:29, Jeremiah 41:5 Micah 1:16. Fell down upon the ground, in way of self-abhorrency, and humiliation, and supplication unto God. And worshipped, to wit, God, who is expressed in the following verse, and who is the only object of religious worship. Instead of cursing God, which Satan said he would do, he adored him, and gave him the glory of his sovereignty, and of his justice, and of his goodness also, in this most severe dispensation.

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