JOB CHAPTER 13 Job's friends not wiser than he: he would reason with
God; but they were liars, and talked deceitfully for God, who would
search and reprove them for accepting persons, JOB 13:1. God's
excellency, and they as ashes and clay, JOB 13:11,12. He is resolute,
being in extreme misery, and h... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
According to thy wish, JOB 11:5, I had rather debate the matter with
God than with you. I am not afraid of presenting my person and cause
before him, who is a witness of my integrity, and would not deal so
unmercifully with me as you do.... [ Continue Reading ]
FORGERS OF LIES, i.e. authors of false doctrine, to wit, that great
afflictions are peculiar to hypocrites and wicked men. PHYSICIANS OF
NO VALUE; unfaithful and unskilful; prescribing bad remedies, and
misapplying good ones.... [ Continue Reading ]
For then your ignorance and folly had been concealed, which is now
manifest. Compare PROVERBS 17:28.... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. Attend to it, and consider it more seriously than you have done.
THE PLEADINGS OF MY LIPS, i.e. the arguments which I shall produce.... [ Continue Reading ]
Will you utter falsehoods upon pretence of pleasing God, or of
maintaining God's honour or justice? Doth he need such defences?... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL YE ACCEPT HIS PERSON? not judging according to the right of the
cause, but the quality of the person, as corrupt judges do. WILL YE
CONTEND, i.e. wrangle and quarrel with me, and cavil at my speeches,
and pervert my meaning? FOR GOD, i.e. that you may gratify him, or
defend his rights.... [ Continue Reading ]
IS IT GOOD? will it be to your credit and comfort? SEARCH YOU OUT,
i.e. narrowly examine your hearts and discourses, whether you have
uttered truth or falsehood, and whether your speeches proceed from
true zeal for God, or from your own prejudices and passions, and from
a desire to curry favour with... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. Punish you; as this word is oft used, as hath been once and again
observed. SECRETLY; though it be concealed in your own breasts, and no
eye see it; yea, though it be so close that your own minds and
consciences, through ignorance, or inadvertency, or slothfulness, do
not perceive it; yet He, w... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS EXCELLENCY; his infinite wisdom, which sees your secret
falsehoods; and his justice and power, which can and will punish you
for it. MAKE YOU AFRAID of speaking rashly or falsely of his ways and
counsels.... [ Continue Reading ]
1. Actively, i.e. your memorials, or your discourses and arguments, by
which you design to bring things to my remembrance. So he might
possibly allude to that passage, JOB 4:7. _Remember, I pray thee_, &c.
That and all your other mementos are _like unto ashes_, i.e.
conte... [ Continue Reading ]
Do not now interrupt me in my discourse; which peradventure he
observed by their gestures some of them were now attempting. THAT I
MAY SPEAK; that I may freely utter my whole mind. LET COME ON ME WHAT
WILL: for the event of my discourse with God, wherewith you threaten
me, I am willing to submit mys... [ Continue Reading ]
According to this translation the sense seems to be this, If you speak
truth, and God punisheth none but wicked men, why doth he bring me
(whom he knows to be no hypocrite, as you slander me) to that
extremity of pain and misery, that I am almost constrained to tear and
eat my own flesh, (which is m... [ Continue Reading ]
Though God should yet more and more increase my torments, so that I
could bear them no longer, but should perceive myself to be at the
point of death, and without all hopes of recovery in this world. YET
WILL I TRUST IN HIM; or, _shall I not trust in him_ ? Should I
despair? No, I will not. I know h... [ Continue Reading ]
I rest assured that he will save me out of these miseries sooner or
later, one way or other, if not with a temporal, yet with an eternal
salvation after death; of which he speaks JOB 19:25, &c. FOR; or
_but_, as this particle commonly signifies; for this clause is put by
way of opposition to the for... [ Continue Reading ]
This he desired before, JOB 13:6, and now repeateth, either because
they manifested some neglect or dislike of his speech, and some desire
to interrupt him; or because he now comes more closely to his
business, the foregoing verses being mostly in way of preface to it.
MY DECLARATION, i.e. the words... [ Continue Reading ]
I HAVE ORDERED MY CAUSE, to wit, within myself. I have seriously and
sincerely considered the state of my case, and what can be said either
for me or against me, and am ready to plead my cause. JUSTIFIED, i.e.
acquitted by God from that hypocrisy and wickedness wherewith you
charge me, and declared... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO IS HE THAT WILL PLEAD WITH ME? where is the man that will do it?
nay, oh that God would do it! which here he implies, and presently
expresseth. I SHALL GIVE UP THE GHOST; my grief for God's heavy hand
and find your bitter reproaches would break my heart, if I should not
give it vent.... [ Continue Reading ]
Which two he expresseth JOB 13:21. Then shall I boldly present myself
and cause before thee.... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. Suspend my torments during the time of my pleading with thee,
that my mind may be at liberty; and do not present thyself to me in
terrible majesty, neither deal with me in rigorous justice; but hear
me meekly, as one man heareth another, and plead with me upon those
gracious terms wherewith tho... [ Continue Reading ]
Then choose thy own method. Either do thou charge me with hypocrisy,
or more than common guilt, and I will defend myself; or I will argue
with thee concerning thy extraordinary severity towards me; and do
thou show me the reasons of it. This proposal savoured of too great
self-confidence, and of irr... [ Continue Reading ]
That I am a sinner I confess; but that I am guilty of so many or such
heinous crimes as my friends suppose I utterly deny; and if it be so,
do thou, O Lord, discover it to my shame. MAKE ME TO KNOW MY
TRANSGRESSION AND MY SIN, if peradventure my heart deceive me therein;
for I am not conscious to my... [ Continue Reading ]
HIDEST THOU THY FACE, i.e. withdrawest thy favour and help which thou
didst use to afford me; as this phrase is commonly used, as
ENEMY, i.e. dealest as sharply with me as if I were thy professed
enemy.... [ Continue Reading ]
Doth it become thy infinite and excellent majesty to use all thy might
to crush such a poor, impotent, frail creature as I am, that can no
more resist thy power than a leaf, or a little loose and dry straw can
resist the fury of the wind or fire.... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU WRITEST, i.e. thou appointest or inflictest. A metaphor from
princes or judges, who anciently used to write their sentence or
decrees concerning persons or causes brought before them. See PSALMS
terrible sentence, or most grievou... [ Continue Reading ]
Thou encompassest me with thy judgments, that I may have no way or
possibility to escape. When thou hast me fast in prison, thou makest a
strict and diligent search into all the actions of my life, that thou
mayst find matter to condemn me. Thou followest me close at the heels,
either to observe my... [ Continue Reading ]
HE; either,
1. Man, or Job, supposed to be God's adversary in this contest. So he
speaks of himself in the third person, as is usual in this and other
sacred books. So the sense is, _he_, i.e. this poor frail creature,
this carcass or body of mine, which possibly he pointed at with his
finger, CONS... [ Continue Reading ]