Job 2:1

JOB CHAPTER 2 Satan's second appearance before God: Job's character continuing the same, condemneth Satan, JOB 2:1. Satan judgeth him not sufficiently tried, unless his body suffer; and so obtaineth leave to hurt his body, but not touch his life, JOB 2:4. Job, smote with boils, scrapeth himself, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 2:3

STILL, notwithstanding all his trials and tribulations, and thy malicious suggestion to the contrary, he holdeth fast his integrity, i.e. he continues to be the same perfect and upright man which he was before. All thy endeavours to pull away his integrity have made him only to hold it the faster. T... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 2:4

The design of these words is plain, which is to detract from Job, and to diminish that honour and praise which God gave to Job, by pretending that he had done no more than the meanest men commonly do by the law of self-reservation. And it is as clear that this was a proverbial speech then in use, wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 2:5

TOUCH, i.e. smite him, not slightly, but to the quick, and to the bones and marrow, so as he may feel pain and anguish indeed, which is oft expressed by reaching to the bones, as PSALMS 6:2, PSALMS 32:3 51:8.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 2:7

Like those inflicted upon the Egyptians, which are expressed by the same word, and threatened to apostate Israelites, DEUTERONOMY 28:27, whereby he was made loathsome to himself and to his nearest relations, DEUTERONOMY 19:13,19, and a visible monument of Divine displeasure, and filled with tiring a... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 2:8

HE TOOK HIM A POTSHERD; partly to allay the itch which his ulcers caused; and partly to squeeze out or take away that purulent matter which was under them, or flowed from them, and was the great cause of his torment. And this he did not with soft linen cloths, either because he had not now a suffici... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 2:9

The devil spared _his wife_ with cruel intent to be the instrument of his temptations, and the aggravation of Job's misery, by unnatural unkindness to him, which is declared JOB 19:17, and elsewhere. DOST THOU STILL RETAIN THINE INTEGRITY? art thou yet so weak to persist in the practice of piety, wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 2:10

AS ONE OF THE FOOLISH WOMEN, i.e. like a rash, and inconsiderate, and weak person that dost not understand nor mind what thou sayest. Or, like a wicked and most profane person; for such are frequently called fools in Scripture, as PSALMS 14:1, PSALMS 74:18, and everywhere in the Proverbs. Shall we p... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 2:11

They were persons then eminent for birth and quality, for wisdom and knowledge, and for the profession of the true religion, being probably of the posterity of Abraham, and akin to Job, and living in the same country with him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 2:12

AFAR OFF, to wit, at some convenient distance from him; whom they found sitting upon the ground, either in the open air, or within his own house. KNEW HIM NOT; his countenance being so fearfully changed and disfigured by his boils. SPRINKLED DUST UPON THEIR HEADS TOWARD HEAVEN; either upon the upper... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 2:13

SAT DOWN WITH HIM UPON THE GROUND, in the posture of mourners condoling with him. SEVEN DAYS AND SEVEN NIGHTS was the usual time of mourning for the dead, GENESIS 1:10 1 SAMUEL 31:13, and therefore proper both for Job's children, who were dead, and for Job himself, who was in a manner dead whilst he... [ Continue Reading ]

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