Some remove the landmarks; or, they (i.e. the wicked, of whom he here treats) touch (to wit, in an unlawful manner, and with evil design, as this word is oft used, as Genesis 26:11,29 Ruth 2:9, so as to invade, or possess, or remove) the landmarks, by which men's lands are discerned, and their properties secured; that so they may enlarge their own border by diminishing their neighbour; which is so horrid an act of injustice, that it hath not only been severely forbidden by God, Deuteronomy 19:14 Deuteronomy 27:17 Proverbs 22:28 Proverbs 23:10, but also declared execrable by the heathens, among whom it was permitted to any man to kill him that did it. Feed thereof; or, feed them. They do not hide or kill them, but openly feed them, either in their oppressed neighbour's ground, which, by taking away the landmarks, they have made their own, or in their own pastures, without any remorse, or shame, or fear of punishment, either from God or men.

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