Shall lie down; either,

1. To sleep; as this word is used, Genesis 19:35 Deuteronomy 6:7, &c. Or,

2. In death, of which it is used, 2 Samuel 7:12. He shall not be gathered, to wit, in burial, of which this word is used, 2 Kings 22:20 Jeremiah 8:2, Jeremiah 25:33. Instead of that honourable interment and burial with his fathers which he expected, he shall be buried with the burial of an ass; his carcass shall lie like dung upon the earth. He openeth his eyes so the sense is either,

1. He awaketh in the morning, promising to himself a happy day. Or,

2. He looks about him for help and relief in his extremity. But the words are and may be rendered thus, one openeth his eyes, i.e. whilst a man can open his eyes, in a moment, or in the twinkling of an eye. He is not; he is as if he had never been, dead and gone, and his family and name extinct with him.

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