The Buzite; of the posterity of Buz, Nahor's son, Genesis 22:21. Of the kindred of Ram, or of Aram; for Ram and Aram are used promiscuously: compare 2 Kings 8:28, with 2 Chronicles 22:5 Ruth 4:19 Matthew 1:3. Others, of Abraham, who as he was called Abram, possibly was at first called only Ram. His pedigree is thus particularly described, partly for his honour, because his speech declares him to be both a wise and a good man; and principally to evidence the truth of this history, which otherwise might seem to be but a poetical fiction. He justified himself rather than God; he justified himself, not without reflection upon God, as dealing too severely with him, and denying him that hearing which he so passionately desired. He took more care to maintain his own innocency than God's glory.

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