Job 37:1

JOB CHAPTER 37 God's great works, lightning, thunder, snow, rain, winds, frosts, clouds, and his providences towards nations, whether for correction or mercy, call for reverence and fear, JOB 37:1; as also his unsearchable wisdom in them, JOB 37:15. We are ignorant, and cannot speak to God; but must... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:2

It seems not improbable, that whilst Elihu was speaking it thundered greatly, and that tempest was begun wherewith God ushered in his speech, as it here follows, JOB 38:1, and that this occasioned his return to that subject of which he had discoursed before, and his exhortation to them to mind it wi... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:3

HE DIRECTETH IT, to wit, his voice; which he shooteth or guideth like an arrow to the mark, so disposing it that it may do that work for which he sends it. UNDER THE WHOLE HEAVEN; far and wide through all the parts of this lower world. UNTO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH; from one end of the heaven to the op... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:4

AFTER IT A VOICE, i.e. after the lightning. For though the thunder be in order of nature before the lightning, yet the lightning is seen before the thunder is heard. WITH THE VOICE OF HIS EXCELLENCY, or, _with his excellent_, or _high_, or _lofted_ voice, both loud and full of majesty and awfulness.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:5

MARVELLOUSLY; with a wonderful and terrible noise, and so as to produce many wonderful effects, as the breaking down of great and strong trees or buildings, the killing of men in a stupendous manner, &c. GREAT THINGS DOETH HE, even in the course of nature, and in visible things; which all men see, b... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:6

By his powerful word and will the snow is made in the air, and falls upon the earth where and when he seeth fit. THE GREAT RAIN OF HIS STRENGTH, i.e. those great storms or showers of rain which come with great force and irresistible violence.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:7

By these great snows and rains he drives men out of the fields, and seals or binds tap their hands from all that work, and drives them home to their houses, and in a manner shuts them up there. See GENESIS 7:16 EXODUS 9:19. Or, _by his hand or power_ (i.e. by those powerful works of his hand here me... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:9

OUT OF THE SOUTH, Heb. _out of the inner chamber_; as the southern part of the world is called, because in a great part it was and is hid and unknown to those who live in the northern hemisphere, in which Job's habitation lay. _Or, out of the chambers of the south_, as it is more largely expressed,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:10

BY THE BREATH OF GOD, i.e. by the word of God, as this very phrase is explained, PSALMS 33:6; by his will or appointment, to which as the principal cause all these works are ascribed. THE BREADTH OF THE WATERS IS STRAITENED; the frost dries up the waters in great measure, and bringeth the remainder... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:11

BY WATERING, to wit, the earth; by causing them first to receive and return, and then to pour forth abundance of water. HE WEARIETH THE THICK CLOUD, by filling and burdening them with much water, and making them to go long journeys to water remote parts, and at last to spend and empty themselves the... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:12

IT IS TURNED ROUND ABOUT; the clouds (now mentioned) are carried about to this or that place. BY HIS COUNSELS; not by chance, (though nothing seems to be more casual and uncertain than the motions of the clouds,) but by his order and governance. THAT THEY MAY DO WHATSOEVER HE COMMANDETH THEM; either... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:13

HE CAUSETH IT TO COME, Heb. _he maketh it_ (to wit, the cloud, or clouds, and the rain which is in it) _to find_, to wit, a path, or to find out the persons or place to which God intends either good or hurt by it. FOR CORRECTION, Heb. _for a rod_, to scourge or correct men by immoderate showers. Or,... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:14

If there be so much matter of wonder and adoration in the most obvious and sensible works of God, how wonderful must his deep and secret counsels and judgments be! And therefore it would better become thee humbly to admire, and quietly to submit to them, than to murmur or quarrel with them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:15

WHEN GOD DISPOSED THEM, to wit, the things before mentioned, the clouds, rain, snow, thunder and lightning, and other meteors. Did God ask counsel from thee to acquaint thee with his counsels in the producing and ordering of them, when, and where, and in what manner he should dispose them? God order... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:16

THE BALANCINGS; how God doth as it were weigh and suspend the clouds in balances; so that although they are ponderous and flail of water, yet they are by his power kept up in the thin air from falling down upon us in spouts and floods, as sometimes they have done, and generally would do, if not over... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:17

How and why thy garments keep thee warm; of which as there are some natural causes, so it is certain that they are not sufficient to do it without God's blessing, as experience shows, HAGGAI 1:6. THE EARTH, i.e. the air about the earth. BY THE SOUTH WIND; which though sometimes it brings tempests, J... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:18

Wast thou his co-worker or assistant in spreading out the sky like a tent or canopy over the earth? or canst thou spread out such another sky? Then indeed thou mayst with some colour pretend to be privy to his counsels, and to judge of his works. WHICH IS STRONG; which though it be very thin and tra... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:19

UNTO HIM, i.e. unto God, either by way of apology for thee; or rather, by way of debate and disputation with him about his counsels and ways: about which we know not what to say, and therefore are willing to be taught by thee, who pretendest to such exquisite knowledge of these matters. So it is a r... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:20

THAT I SPEAK, Heb. _that I will speak_. Shall I send, or who dare carry, a challenge from me to God, or a message that I am ready and desirous to debate with him concerning his proceedings? This indeed thou hast done in effect, but far be such presumption from me. IF A MAN SPEAK; if a man should be... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:21

AND; or, _for_, as this particle is oft rendered; the following words containing a reason of those which go before. NOW: this particle is either, 1. A note of time, and so it intimates a sudden change which then was in the weather, which having been very dark, began now to clear up; or rather, 2.... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:22

FAIR WEATHER; or, _when_ (which particle may well be understood out of, the foregoing verse; and so this may be a further description of the time when men cannot see or gaze upon the sun, namely, when) _fair weather_, &c. Heb. _gold_; either, 1. Properly. And so this may be noted as another wonderf... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:23

WE CANNOT FIND HIM OUT, to wit, to perfection, as it is expressed, JOB 11:7. We cannot comprehend him; his being, power, wisdom, justice, and his counsels proceeding from them, are past our finding out; and therefore it is most absurd and intolerable that thou, O Job, presumest to censure what thou... [ Continue Reading ]

Job 37:24

MEN DO THEREFORE FEAR HIM; for this cause, to wit, because of God's infinite and excellent perfections, and especially those mentioned in the foregoing verse, _men do or should_ (for the future tense is oft used potentially, as Hebricians know) _fear_ or _reverence him_, and humbly submit to him, an... [ Continue Reading ]

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