He causeth it to come, Heb. he maketh it (to wit, the cloud, or clouds, and the rain which is in it) to find, to wit, a path, or to find out the persons or place to which God intends either good or hurt by it. For correction, Heb. for a rod, to scourge or correct men by immoderate showers. Or, for a tribe, or certain portion of land, which God intends particularly to punish in that kind. For his land, i.e. for God's land, whereby he understands either,

1. The land which he favoureth, and where his servants live, such as Canaan was, which for that reason God blessed with rain, as is noted, Deuteronomy 11:12 Psalms 68:9,10. But in Job's time God's people were not in Canaan, but in Egypt, where little or no rain fell. Or,

2. The uninhabited or desert parts of the world, which may be called God's land peculiarly, because it is immediately and only under God's care, as being not regarded nor possessed by any man. For it is noted as a special act of God's providence, that he causeth rain to fall upon such places, Job 38:26,27. Or, 3. His earth, as it may be rendered, to wit, the whole earth, which is said to be the Lord s, Psalms 24:50:12, and which may be here opposed to a tribe, or little part of the earth. And so this may note a general judgment by excessive rains inflicted upon the whole earth, and all its inhabitants, even the universal deluge, which then was in a manner of fresh memory, which came in a great measure out of the clouds. And thus these two first members speak of correction, and the last of mercy. For mercy; for the comfort and benefit of mankind, by cooling and cleansing the air, and refreshing and improving all the fruits of the earth, and other ways.

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