Joel 3:1

JOEL CHAPTER 3 God's judgments against the enemies of his people, JOEL 3:1. His blessing upon the church, JOEL 3:18. Though our dividing this chapter from the former seems to some a beginning of some new matter, yet indeed the prophet prosecutes his old subject, and proceeds to declare how that grea... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:2

I WILL ALSO GATHER ALL NATIONS: in the type, it is not simply all nations, but all those nations that have with hostile minds oppressed and scattered Judah; in the antitype, it is all nations that have been enemies to Christ and the church. AND WILL BRING THEM DOWN: this is spoken with respect to th... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:3

It was customary with conquerors to divide the captives by lot, and so did these enemies of the Jews, OB 11; and so did the Chaldeans on the captive Ninevites, NAHUM 3:10: though this was grievous, yet it was the common lot of captives. HAVE GIVEN A BOY FOR AN HARLOT; either procured a boy to bestow... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:4

WHAT HAVE YE TO DO WITH ME? what just cause of quarrel have you against me? Have I done you any wrong which now you avenge upon my people? or do you begin to violate the law of neighbourhood and friendship, and think to escape? Do ye think you have to do with a poor oppressed people, my people, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:5

YE HAVE TAKEN; you Tyrians, Zidonians, and Philistines have received at the hands of those you confederated with, you have taken them either as part of the spoil, or as part of your pay. MY SILVER AND MY GOLD; silver and gold vessels dedicated to my service in the temple, and about the altar. AND HA... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:6

THE CHILDREN ALSO OF JUDAH, the Jews who dwelt in the land, and the children of Jerusalem, the citizens of Jerusalem; or perhaps the young ones, boys and girls, as JOEL 3:3, both of city and country. YE; Tyrians, Zidonians, and Philistines, though neighbours, and oftentimes befriended by the Jews, y... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:7

BEHOLD; observe it well, for as it will be strange when done, so it shall certainly be done, to your joy, O my people, and to the astonishment of your enemies. I WILL RAISE THEM; awaken and raise them; though they lay sleeping, or as dead men, I will stir up some who shall befriend them. Out of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:8

I WILL SELL YOUR SONS AND YOUR DAUGHTERS; give them up into the hands of the Jews, who thereby shall have opportunities of disposing of them as they see good; so you did with my people, so I will recompense you. INTO THE HAND OF THE CHILDREN OF JUDAH; to the Jews, the posterity and kindred of those... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:9

PROCLAIM; publish, or make known, as by sound of trumpet: some say it is an irony; I rather think it is a declaration of what is to come to pass through some ages before the coming of the Messiah, as will appear probable from what followeth. THIS; or these things, which I am purposed to do in retali... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:10

BEAT YOUR PLOUGHSHARES INTO SWORDS: here is a prediction of war, and such as should continue, with some intermissions, through many years; as, on the contrary, when swords were to be beaten into ploughshares, and spears into pruning-hooks, it was a prediction of peace, ISAIAH 2:4: lay aside your hus... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:11

ASSEMBLE YOURSELVES; the war proclaimed, JOEL 3:9, pro vision made, JOEL 3:10, now hasten to the general rendezvous; embody yourselves as you march, and hasten what you can, as the word imports. COME ALL; not simply and in utmost latitude, but all that are here concerned. GATHER YOURSELVES TOGETHER... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:12

LET THE HEATHEN; the several nations in their appointed time; and perhaps the Assyrians are first to awake and stir under Shalmaneser, next under Sennacherib, both which came up against this valley of Jehoshaphat. BE WAKENED, by the sins and divisions of God's own people, by their own ravenous and t... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:13

PUT YE IN THE SICKLE; ye mighty ones, ye men of war, executioners of Divine vengeance, begin to reap, cut down sinners ripe for judgment. Let Tiglath-pileser and his soldiers cut down Syria and its king Rezin, 2 Kings xvi., for their violence against my people; let Cyaxares and his armies begin to c... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:14

MULTITUDES, MULTITUDES; whether prediction or exclamation with wonder, it is doubled to intimate the mighty, numerous armies contending one against another, and thrashing each other, overthrowing numberless men between the conquered and conqueror. So each kingdom was overthrown successively. The Ass... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:15

See JOEL 2:10. When God doth in the valley of decision punish any of the kingdoms which persecuted and oppressed his church, the punishment shall be so great as to darken the glory of such kingdoms, it shall be to the utter overthrow of those kingdoms and governments; and so it was effected on Babyl... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:16

THE LORD; who, JOEL 2:27, is the Lord in the midst of Israel or in the midst of his church. SHALL ROAR; when he brings forth his mighty ones the men of war, and commands them to march out against his and his church's enemies, he will strike the enemy with astonishment and fear, as the roaring of the... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:17

SO, by these effects of my presence with my people, by my anger against their enemies, by punishing them by each other, overthrowing oppressors, by fulfilling what is foretold, shall ye, ye that suffer for my sake, but hope in my word, and support yourselves on my strength, KNOW, by most comfortable... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:18

IN THAT DAY; when afflictions, amidst which they were preserved, from which delivered, and by which they were purified. THE MOUNTAINS; the vines planted upon the mountains, which were dried up, JOEL 1:12, shall now be full of juice and fruit. SHALL DROP DOWN, shall come down as the showers or dew, s... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:19

EGYPT: it was in Egypt that the people of God were long kept in bondage, which defiled Israel too with its idolatries, contrived the ruin of Israel by a barbarous and unparalleled cruelty, murdering all the new-born males, and with utmost obstinacy resisted the deliverer who came to fetch Israel out... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:20

BUT and or yet JUDAH the chosen peculiar redeemed of the Lord, his church. SHALL DWELL FOR EVER; no more be captivated and driven from home, but in their own land and houses abide safely and perpetually. This typifieth the eternal peace and rest to which God's people are redeemed. JERUSALEM; city of... [ Continue Reading ]

Joel 3:21

FOR, Heb. _And_. CLEANSE; purge away, both by the Spirit of sanctification, and by free pardon in the blood of the Redeemer; by their sufferings also, by the waters of affliction, as well as by the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Ghost. THEIR BLOOD; their moral pollutions and sinful... [ Continue Reading ]

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