JOHN CHAPTER 16 1 Thessalonians 16:1 Christ warns his disciples of their sufferings for his sake. 1 Thessalonians 16:5 He comforteth them by a promise of the Holy Ghost. 1 Thessalonians 16:16 He intimates his death, resurrection, and ascension, telling them that their sorrow should soon be succeeded by joy, and that their prayers in his name would be accepted of the Father. 1 Thessalonians 16:29 His disciples confess their faith in him; he foretells their desertion of him, and promises them peace in him amidst their tribulation in the world. That is, that when you see these storms of persecution arise, and fall heavily upon you, they may not give you any occasion, or be any temptation to you, to desist from your duty, and be afraid or ashamed to own me, and the profession of my gospel. Evils unthought of we are not ordinarily prepared for, so as, being surprised by them, they the more sink us. Offended here therefore may signify, either immoderate trouble and affliction, or being tempted to any apostasy, or remission of duty.

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