In the terms of this verse there is nothing difficult, but in the matter of it there is much instructive. We learn from hence:

1. That though good men may as to some points be ignorant as to the mind and will of God, yet they will be desirous of further instruction in it. To be willingly and contentedly ignorant, is not consistent with a root of saving grace.

2. Christ knows the desires of our hearts, before they are made known to him by the words of our lips; but yet it will not follow, that we may satisfy ourselves with inward, secret desires, without making them known by our lips; for God requireth the calves of our lips, as well as the desires and groans of our inward man.

3. Christ is very ready to teach those whose hearts he seeth desirous to learn; therefore he saith, Do ye inquire among yourselves? &c. Are you inquisitive? I am ready to teach and to instruct you.

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