He that so heareth my words, that they are not a mere sound in his ears, nor affect his heart with some mere sudden and vanishing passion, but so that he gives an assent to them upon my authority; and that firmly and steadily believeth him that sent me, (the particle on seemeth not well put in by our translators; in the Greek it is tw pemqanti me, giveth credit to the words of my Father that sent me), believing that I am his only begotten Son, whom he hath sent into the world, and receiving me as such, hearing me, according to the command of the voice from heaven. Matthew 17:5; he hath a certain title to everlasting life, and hath received the first fruits of that harvest, Romans 8:23, the incorruptible seed of the word, 1 Peter 1:23; and already sitteth in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 2:6, and hath the kingdom of God within him. Luke 17:21, and shall not come into that judgment which shall issue in eternal condemnation; but is passed out of a state of spiritual death into a state of spiritual life; and shall be at last eternally saved, and pass into the actual fruition and enjoyment of life eternal.

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