I do not speak this to lessen John in any of your thoughts; he was a famous light, burning in the knowledge and love of the truth; shining both in his doctrine, in publishing the truth, and also in holiness of life and conversation. He was not that light, 1 Thessalonians 1:8, but he was a light, not to fwv to alhyinon, but lucnov, Matthew 5:14 Luke 8:16. And you for a small time pretended a great affection for John, and came with great zeal to hear him, Matthew 2:5; Matthew 3:26 Mark 1:5, hoping that he was the Messias, or at least Elias, or that prophet in him revived again. But when they saw that John did only bear record to Christ, they grew cold in their affection, not liking either his doctrine, or the strictness of his life, or the tidings that he brought; looking for a far more splendid and glorious Messiah than Christ appeared to them to be.

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