So, when the Lord had taken notice and reproved the passions of Jonah, and made some impression on his mind for the present, Jonah went out of the city; discontented in himself, and doubtful of the issue whether God would be more tender of the life of multitudes or of Jonah's credit, the prophet withdrew himself, and waits; how long we have not any ground of conjecture. And sat; put himself into a posture of waiting, and therefore, to repose himself, rather sat than stood. On the east side of the city; which in likelihood was some higher ground, the city standing on the east banks of Tigris; the further he went east, the higher the ground was, and the safer, from the uncertain manner of the city's overthrow. Made him a booth; some small and mean shed for shade and shelter, usually made of green boughs. And sat under it in the shadow; these boughs, thus pitched and made into a booth, afforded some shadow, in which Jonah reposed him. Till he might see what would become of the city: by this passage it should seem the forty days were not fully expired, nor yet wanted much of expiring, and Jonah seems resolved there to expect the event of the city.

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