JOSHUA CHAPTER 11 The other kings and cities of Canaan gather themselves together to fight against Israel, Joshua 11:1. God encourages Joshua, promising him victory, Joshua 11:6. The Canaanites destroyed; their cities taken; Hazor burnt; the Anakims cut off, Joshua 11:7; those in Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod excepted, Joshua 11:22,23. Hazor, the chief city of all those parts, Joshua 11:10. Had heard those things: this was a remarkable instance of the wisdom and goodness of Divine Providence, which so governed the minds and hearts of the Canaanites, that they were not at all united under one king, but divided amongst many petty kings; and next, that these did not all unanimously join their counsels and forces together to oppose the Israelites at their first entrance, which their own wisdom and interest obliged them to do; but quietly suffered the destruction of their brethren, thereby preparing the way for their own. Shimron, called Shimron-meron, Joshua 12:20. Achshaph, a place in the tribe of Asher, the furthest part of the land toward the north and west.

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