JOSHUA CHAPTER 15 The borders of the lot of Judah, Joshua 15:1. Among them Kirjath-arba, Caleb's inheritance: he drives thence the three sons of Anak; promises to give his daughter in marriage to him who should smite Kirjath-sepher; which Othniel does, and obtains her: she requests of her father some land for a dowry; which he grants, Joshua 15:13. The cities of Judah, Joshua 15:20. The Jebusites could not be conquered by them, Joshua 15:63. For the general understanding of this business, it must be known,

1. That this work of casting lots was transacted with great seriousness and solemnity, in God's presence, with prayer and appeal to him for the decision of the matter.

2. That although an exact survey of this land was not taken till Joshua 18:4,5, yet there was, and must needs be, a general description of it, and a division thereof into nine parts and a half; which as far as they could guess, were equal either in quantity or in quality.

3. That the lot did not at this time so peremptorily and unchangeably determine each tribe, that their portion could neither be increased nor diminished; as is manifest, because after Judah's lot was fixed, Simeon's lot was taken out of it, Joshua 19:9, though after the land was more distinctly known and surveyed, Jos 18, it is likely the bounds were more certain and fixed.

4. That the lot determined only in general what part or quarter of the land belonged to each tribe, but left the particulars to be determined by Joshua and Eleazar, &c. For the manner of this lottery, it is probably conceived that there were two urns or pots, into one of which were put the names of all the tribes, each in a distinct paper, and into the other the names of each portion described; then Eleazar, or some other person, drew out first the name of one of the tribes out of one pot, and then the name of one portion out of the other pot, and that portion was appropriated to that tribe; and so in the rest. And with respect to these pots, in the bottom of which the papers lay, these lots are oft said to come up, or come forth. The lot of the tribe of the children of Judah came out first by God's disposition, as a note of his preeminency above his brethren. Edom lay south-east from Judah's portion.

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