For though Jerusalem was in part taken by Joshua before this, yet the upper and stronger part of it, called Zion, was still kept by the Jebusites, even until David's time; and it seems from thence they descended to the lower town called Jerusalem, and took it; so that the Israelites were forced to win it a second time; yea, and a third time also, for afterwards it was possessed by the Jebusites, Judges 19:11 2 Samuel 5:6,7. Could not drive them out; namely, because of their unbelief, as Christ could do no mighty work because of the people's unbelief, Mark 6:5,6 Mt 13:58, and because of their sloth, and cowardice, and wickedness, whereby they forfeited God's help, and then they must needs be impotent; but this inability was wilful, and brought upon them by themselves. Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem: the same things which are here said of the children of Judah, are said of the Benjamites, Judges 1:21. Hence ariseth a question, To which of the tribes Jerusalem belonged? whether to Benjamin, as is gathered from Genesis 49:27 Deuteronomy 33:12 Jeremiah 6:1, or to Judah, as is implied here, and Psalms 78:68,69. Some think, that being in the borders of both, it was common to both, and promiscuously inhabited by both; and it is certain that after the captivity it was possessed by both, Nehemiah 11:4. But for the present, though it did belong to Benjamin, yet the children of Judah being possibly very active in the first taking of it by Joshua, as they certainly were after his death, Judges 1:8, they might thereby get some right share with the Benjamites in the possession of it. It seems most probable that part of it, and indeed the greatest part and main body of it, stood in the tribe of Benjamin; and hence this is mentioned in the list of their cities, and not in Judah's list: and part of it stood in Judah's share, even Mount Moriah, on which the temple was built; and Mount Sion, when it was taken from the Jebusites. Unto this day; when this book was written, whether in Joshua's life and old age, which continued many years after the taking of Jerusalem; or after his death, when this clause was added here and elsewhere in this book by some other man of God, which must needs be done before David's time, when the Jebusites were quite expelled, and their fort taken.

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