Joshua 16:1

JOSHUA CHAPTER 16 The general borders of the sons of Joseph, JOSHUA 16:1. The borders of Ephraim, JOSHUA 16:5. Some of the Canaanites not expelled, but made tributary, JOSHUA 16:10. OF JOSEPH, i.e. of Ephraim, and the half tribe of Manasseh, which are here put together in one; not because they had b... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 16:2

FROM BETH-EL TO LUZ, or, _from Bethel-luzah_, as the LXX. here join the words; for Beth-el was anciently called _Luz_, GENESIS 28:19, GENESIS 48:3; though some think this was another _Luz_, spoken of JUDGES 1:26. Others make Beth-el and Luz two neighbouring towns, which afterwards being more built a... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 16:4

MANASSEH, i.e. half Manasseh, by a synecdoche. Their inheritance, i.e. their several portions which here follow. Some think that they had but one lot between them; and therefore they are now said TO TAKE THEIR INHERITANCE, to wit, by dividing it between them according to the direction of Joshua and... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 16:5

ON THE EAST SIDE, i.e. the north-east side. It is no wonder, if some of these descriptions are dark and doubtful to us at this distance of time and place; there having been so many alterations made in places, and so many circumstances being now altogether undiscoverable. But this is evident to every... [ Continue Reading ]

Joshua 16:9

THE SEPARATE CITIES, i.e. besides those cities which were within Ephraim's bounds, he had some other cities, to which all their territories were annexed out of Manasseh's portion, because his tribe was all here, and was larger than Manasseh s.... [ Continue Reading ]

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