Judges 1:1

JUDGES CHAPTER 1 The tribe of Judah, by God's command, begin to make war against the Canaanites, JUDGES 1:1. Adoni-bezek justly requited, JUDGES 1:5. They take Jerusalem, JUDGES 1:8; and Hebron. Anak's sons slain, JUDGES 1:9,10. Othniel subdueth Debir, and so obtaineth Caleb's daughter to wife, JUDG... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:2

Not a person so called, but the tribe of Judah, as is manifest from JUDGES 1:3,4,8,9, which is chosen for the first enterprise, because they were both most populous, and so most needing enlargement; and withal most valiant, and therefore most likely to succeed; for God chooseth fit means for the wor... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:3

UNTO SIMEON HIS BROTHER; as nearest to him both by relation, being his brother by both parents, which few of them were; and by habitation, as appears from JOSHUA 19:1,2. AGAINST THE CANAANITES; specially so called because they are distinguished from the Perizzites, JUDGES 1:4.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:4

Not in the city, for that was not yet taken, JUDGES 1:5, but in the territory of it, or near to it; as _in Hor_ is taken, NUMBERS 33:37; and _in Jericho_, JOSHUA 5:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:5

ADONI-BEZEK; the lord or king of Bezek, as his name signifies, IN BEZEK; whither he fled, when he had lost the field. AGAINST HIM, i.e. against the city wherein he had encamped himself, and the rest of his army.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:6

That he might be disenabled to fight with his hands, or to run away upon his feet. And this they did, either by the secret instinct and direction of God, or upon notice of his former tyranny and cruelty expressed upon others, in this manner, as it follows: either way it was a just requital.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:7

THREESCORE AND TEN KINGS; which is not strange in those times and places; for these might be either, first, kings successively, and so there might be divers of those kings in one place, and so in others; or, secondly, contemporary kings. For it is well known that anciently each ruler of a city, or g... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:8

To wit, in Joshua's time; which though done before, may be here repeated, to show why they brought Adoni-bezek to Jerusalem, because that city was in their hands, having been taken before, as may be gathered from JOSHUA 15:63. And the taking of this city may be ascribed TO THE CHILDREN OF JUDAH rath... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:10

JUDAH WENT, under the conduct of Caleb, as it is recorded, JOSHUA 15:11, &c.; for that relation, and this here following, are doubtless one and the same expedition and war, as appears by all the circumstances; and it is mentioned either there by anticipation, or here by repetition. Of this and the f... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:16

CHILDREN OF THE KENITE, i.e. of Jethro, so called from the people from whom he descended, NUMBERS 24:21,22. And whatsoever he did, it is evident that his posterity came into Canaan with the Israelites, and were there seated with them. See JUDGES 4:11,17 JUDGES 5:24 1 SAMUEL 15:6 1 CHRONICLES 2:55. O... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:17

JUDAH WENT WITH SIMEON HIS BROTHER, according to his promise, JUDGES 1:3, and the laws of justice and gratitude. HORMAH; either, 1. The same place so destroyed and called, NUMBERS 21:3, and so what was there vowed is here executed; or, 2. Some other place called by the same name upon the like occa... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:18

The principal cities of the Philistines. QUEST. How could this be, when among the people left to try Israel, are the five lords of the Philistines, JUDGES 3:3. ANSW. It is only said that they took the cities, and probably contented themselves with making them tributary; but it is not said that they... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:19

On account of their unbelief, whereby they doubted and distrusted God's power to destroy those who had chariots of iron and so gave way to their own fear and sloth, whereby God was provoked to withdraw his helping hand from them, and so they were really made impotent, as they were unwilling. See JOS... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:22

THE HOUSE OF JOSEPH, i.e. the tribe of Ephraim, as appears from their opposition to the tribe of Manasseh, JUDGES 1:27.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:26

THE LAND OF THE HITTITES; where the Hittites seated themselves after they were driven out of Canaan, which seems to be northward from Canaan, and near unto it. See 1 KINGS 11:1 2 CHRONICLES 1:17.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:27

MANASSEH, i.e. that half of this tribe which dwelt in Canaan. BETH-SHEAN; a place near Jordan, JOSHUA 17:11. TAANACH; of which see JOSHUA 12:21, JOSHUA 17:11. DOR; a great city with large territories. See JOSHUA 11:2, JOSHUA 12:23 JOSHUA 17:11. MEGIDDO; a royal city. See Joshua 12:21,... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:34

Into the plain country; which was the occasion of that expedition for the getting of new quarters; of which we read JOS 19 JUD 18.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:35

OF THE HOUSE OF JOSEPH, i.e. of the Ephraimites, who helped their brethren the Danites against the Amorites, and that with good success.... [ Continue Reading ]

Judges 1:36

AKRABBIM was in the southern part of Canaan, JOSHUA 15:2,3, from whence it went up towards the north. This is added to show the great power and large extent of this people.... [ Continue Reading ]

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