Threescore and ten kings; which is not strange in those times and places; for these might be either, first, kings successively, and so there might be divers of those kings in one place, and so in others; or, secondly, contemporary kings. For it is well known that anciently each ruler of a city, or great town, was called a king, and had kingly power in that place; and many such kings we meet with in Canaan; and it is probable that some years before kings were more numerous there, till the greater devoured many of the less. Having their thumbs cut off, that so their hands might be unable to manage weapons of war. Gathered their meat under my table; an act of barbarous inhumanity thus to insult over the miserable, joined with abominable luxury. God hath requited me: he acknowledgeth the providence and vindictive justice of God, which also Pharaoh did, and others too, without any true sense of piety. They brought him; they carried him in triumph, as a monument of God's righteous vengeance. To Jerusalem; it being the metropolis of the nation.

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