JUDGES CHAPTER 10 Tola judgeth Israel; and Jair, whose thirty sons had thirty cities, Judges 10:1. The people's idolatry, Judges 10:6. The Philistines and Ammonites oppress them, Judges 10:7. They cry to God, who sendeth them to their false gods; but upon their repentance pitieth them, Judges 10:10. The Ammonites and Israelites encamp against one another, Judges 10:17,18. There arose; not of himself, but either chosen by the people; or rather, raised by God, as the other judges were. To defend Israel, or, to save, which he did not by fighting against and overthrowing their enemies, but by a prudent and pious government of them, whereby he kept them from sedition, and oppression, and tyranny, as also from idolatry, as may be gathered from Judges 10:6, which if not restrained and purged out, would have brought certain ruin upon them. In Shamir in Mount Ephraim; which was in the very heart and midst of the land.

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