Rode on ass colts, because horses were scarce there, and were not to be multiplied by the king himself, Deuteronomy 17:16. Hence their kings and kings children used to ride upon mules, 2 Samuel 13:29, 2 Samuel 18:9 1 Kings 1:33,38,39. Compare Judges 5:10, Judges 12:14. Havoth-jair. Object. These villages were called so before this time from another Jair, Numbers 32:41 Deuteronomy 3:14. Answ. They are not said to be now first called by that name, but to be still so called, because the old name was revived and confirmed upon this occasion; as Sheba is said to be called Beer-sheba, upon an occasion mentioned Genesis 26:33, though it was so called before upon a more ancient occasion, Genesis 21:31. Possibly this Jair had enlarged or fortified these towns, and so they were justly denominated from him, no less than from the former.

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