JUDGES CHAPTER 13 The Philistines again oppress Israel, JUDGES 13:1.
An angel appeareth to Manoah's wife, promising her a son that should
be a Nazarite, and deliver Israel, JUDGES 13:2. She informs her
husband hereof: he prayeth, and obtaineth a return of the angel,
JUDGES 13:6. Manoah is desirous t... [ Continue Reading ]
ZORAH; a city, of which see JOSHUA 15:33, JOSHUA 19:41. OF THE FAMILY,
i.e. of the tribe or people, as family sometimes signifies, JOSHUA
7:17 JEREMIAH 8:3, JEREMIAH 10:25 AMOS 3:1 MICAH 2:3 MALACHI 14:18.
BARREN, AND BARE NOT; an emphatical repetition of the same thing in
divers words, which [ Continue Reading ]
THE ANGEL OF THE LORD; the Son of God, oft so called in the Old
Testament, as may be gathered from JUDGES 13:18, yet distinguished
from the Lord, because he appeared here as it were in the form of a
servant, as a messenger sent from God, and was really a distinct
person from God the Father.... [ Continue Reading ]
BEWARE, I PRAY THEE; because the child was to be a Nazarite from the
womb, JUDGES 13:5, and from the conception; and because the mother's
pollution extends to the child, she is enjoined from this time to
observe the following rules belonging to the Nazarites. AND DRINK NOT
WINE, NOR STRONG DRINK; un... [ Continue Reading ]
A NAZARITE; a person separated from others, and consecrated to God's
service. HE SHALL BEGIN TO DELIVER ISRAEL; and the deliverance shall
be carried on and perfected by others, as it was in part by Eli, and
Samuel, and Saul; but especially by David.... [ Continue Reading ]
A MAN OF GOD; a prophet, or sacred person, sent with a message from
God. VERY TERRIBLE, or, _venerable_, or _awful_, full of majesty.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
LET THY WORDS COME TO PASS; or, _thy words shall come to pass_; I
firmly believe that thy promises shall be fulfilled. HOW SHALL WE
ORDER THE CHILD? what rules shall we observe about his education?... [ Continue Reading ]
Whilst the child is in her womb, and after the child is born, let him
observe the same orders.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Supposing him to be a man and a prophet, to whom he would in this
manner express his respect, as was usual to strangers. See GENESIS
18:5 JUDGES 6:18.... [ Continue Reading ]
BREAD, i.e. meat, as _bread_ is commonly taken in Scripture. UNTO THE
LORD; not unto a man, as now thou apprehendest me to be; but unto the
Lord, as thou wilt by and by perceive me to be.... [ Continue Reading ]
Either by making honourable mention of time, or by performing respect
and service to thee, by a present, which they usually gave to
prophets, 1 SAMUEL 9:7,8 1 KINGS 14:3.... [ Continue Reading ]
Or, HIDDEN from mortal men; or, _wonderful_, such as thou canst not
comprehend; my nature or essence (which is oft signified by _name_ in
Scripture) is incomprehensible. This shows that this was the Angel of
the covenant, the Son of God.... [ Continue Reading ]
MEAT-OFFERINGS were generally joined with the chief sacrifices.
OFFERED IT UPON A ROCK; the angel's presence and command being a
sufficient warrant for the offering of sacrifice by a person who was
no priest, and in a place otherwise forbidden.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE FLAME; either arising from the fire which Manoah brought for the
offering, or produced by the angel out of the rock in a miraculous
manner. FROM OFF THE ALTAR, i.e. from that part of the rock which
served instead of an altar, upon which the sacrifice was laid. THE
ANGEL ASCENDED IN THE FLAME, to... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Or, AT THIS TIME; the particle _as_ noting here, not likeness, but the
truth and reality of the thing, as it doth NUMBERS 11:1 DEUTERONOMY
9:10, and elsewhere. This expression seems to have some emphasis in
it, to enhance God's mercy to them, as being afforded them in a time
of such public and griev... [ Continue Reading ]
i.e. Endowed him with all those graces and gifts of mind and body
which were necessary for the work he was designed for.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO MOVE HIM AT TIMES, i.e. to stir him up to heroical designs; to show
forth his power in him in the frame of his mind, and in the strength
of his body, discovered to his neighbours in extraordinary actions; to
incline his heart to great attempts to the help and deliverance of
God's people; and to g... [ Continue Reading ]