JUDGES CHAPTER 19 A Levite's concubine runs from him to her father's house at Beth-lehem; he goeth to fetch her back; is kindly entertained by her father; he departs, and comes to Gibeah of Benjamin, and his concubine with him, Judges 19:1. An old man of Mount Ephraim entertains them, Judges 19:15. The men of the city encompass the house, to debauch the Levite, who through necessity delivers unto them his concubine, whom they abuse to death, Judges 19:22. He carrieth her body home; divideth it into twelve parts; sendeth them into all the coasts of Israel, Judges 19:29,30. In those days; of which See Poole on "Judges 17:1". On the side, Heb. in the sides, i.e. in one of the sides, as Judges 19:18. A concubine, Heb. a wife a concubine, i.e. such a concubine as was also his wife, as appears from Judges 19:3 Judges 20:4. See of these Genesis 22:24, Genesis 25:1.

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