JUDGES CHAPTER 9 Abimelech, Gideon's son, by conspiracy with the
Shechemites, and the murder of his brethren, Jotham the youngest
escaping, is made king, JUDGES 9:1. Jotham by a parable rebuketh them,
and foretelleth their ruin: he flees and dwells at Beer, JUDGES 9:7.
The Shechemites conspire again... [ Continue Reading ]
He supposeth that THE SONS OF JERUBBAAL would take that government
which their father modestly refused, and that the multitude of his
sons would occasion horrible divisions, and confusions, and contests
about the sovereign power; all which they might avoid by choosing him
king; and so they might enj... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS MOTHER'S BRETHREN, i.e. kinsmen, as that word is oft used, as
GENESIS 14:16, GENESIS 29:12. HE IS OUR BROTHER; they were easily
persuaded to believe and follow what served their own interest.... [ Continue Reading ]
THREESCORE AND TEN, agreeably to the number of his enemies, Gideon's
seventy sons. PIECES OF SILVER; not shekels, as some fancy, which were
too small a sum for this purpose; but far larger pieces, the exact
worth whereof it is neither possible nor needful for us now to know.
OUT OF THE HOUSE OF BAAL... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SONS OF JERUBBAAL; the only persons who were likely to hinder him
in establishing his tyranny. THREESCORE AND TEN PERSONS; wanting one,
who is here expressed; and these synecdochical expressions are
frequent in Scripture: see GENESIS 35:26, GENESIS 42:13 NUMBERS
14:32,33, JOHN 20:24 1 CORINTHIAN... [ Continue Reading ]
OF MILLO; of a place or person so called; some eminent and potent
family living in Shechem, or near to it; either the family of
Abimelech's mother, or some other: or, and _all Beth-millo_; so _Beth_
is not a house, but a part of the name of the place. MADE ABIMELECH
KING, to wit, over all Israel, JU... [ Continue Reading ]
MOUNT GERZIM lay near Shechem, and near Mount Ebal. The valley between
these two mountains of Gerizim and Ebal was a famous place, employed
for a religious use, even for the solemn reading of the law, and its
blessings and curses, DEUTERONOMY 11:29, DEUTERONOMY 27:12 JOSHUA
8:33; and therefore it is... [ Continue Reading ]
A parabolical discourse, usual among the ancients, especially in the
eastern parts; wherein, under the names of trees, men are represented.
TO ANOINT A KING, i.e. to make a king, which was oft done among the
Israelites, and some others, with the ceremony of anointing. By THE
OLIVE TREE he understand... [ Continue Reading ]
In the worship and service of God oil was used for divers things; as,
about the lamps, EXODUS 35:14, and offerings, LEVITICUS 2:6,7, and for
the anointing of sacred persons and things. Oil was also used in the
constitution of kings, and priests, and prophets, and for a present to
great persons, and... [ Continue Reading ]
This, as also the vine, JUDGES 9:12, signifies the same thing with the
olive tree; but here are various expressions used, either for the
decency of the parable; or because Gideon refused this honour, both
for himself and for his sons; or to signify that the sons of Gideon,
whom Abimelech had so crue... [ Continue Reading ]
MY SWEETNESS; for which that fruit is particularly commended.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Wherewith God is well-pleased, because it was offered to God, NUMBERS
15:5,7,10. See also PSALMS 104:15 PROVERBS 31:6.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE BRAMBLE, or _thorn_; a mean, and barren, and hurtful tree, fitly
representing Abimelech, the son of a concubine, and a person of small
use, and great cruelty.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF IN TRUTH YOU ANOINT ME KING OVER YOU; if you deal truly and justly
in making me king. PUT YOUR TRUST IN MY SHADOW; then you may expect
protection under my government. LET FIRE COME OUT OF THE BRAMBLE;
instead of protection, you shall receive destruction by me; especially
you cedars, i.e. nobles,... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Heb. _cast away his soul or life far off, _ out of his reach or power
to recover it, i.e. exposed himself to utmost hazard for your sakes.... [ Continue Reading ]
Abimelech's fact is justly charged upon them, as done by their
consent, approbation, and assistance. HIS MAID-SERVANT; his concubine,
whom he so calls by way of reproach, because maid-servants were oft
made concubines, EXODUS 21:7. OVER THE MEN OF SHECHEM; by which
limitation of their power, and his... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
This is not a prediction, but an imprecation or curse, as it is
called, JUDGES 9:57, which, being grounded upon just cause, and being
the only way by which Jotham could perform the duty of the _avenger_
of his brethren's blood, which was incumbent upon him, had its effect,
as others in like case had... [ Continue Reading ]
He might easily flee, having the advantage of the hill and other
accommodations for flight, and because the people were not forward to
pursue a man whom they knew to have such just cause and great
provocation to speak, and so little power to do them any hurt. BEER; a
place remote from Shechem, and o... [ Continue Reading ]
For though the men of Shechem were the first authors of Abimelech's
advancement, it is more than probable that the rest of the people
easily consented to that form of government which they so much
desired; or, at least, made no resistance against it.... [ Continue Reading ]
God gave the devil commission to enter into or work upon their minds
and hearts; knowing that he of himself, and by his own inclination,
would fill them with mistakes, and jealousies, and dissensions, and
heart-burnings, which would end in civil wars and mutual ruin.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE CRUELTY, i.e. the punishment of the cruelty.... [ Continue Reading ]
WAY BY THEM, to wit, such as favoured or served Abimelech; for to such
only their commission reached, though it may be they went beyond their
bounds, and by military license robbed all passengers promiscuously.
IT WAS TOLD ABIMELEC... [ Continue Reading ]
It is not known who or of what tribe GAAL was; but it is evident that
he was a man very considerable for wealth, and strength, and counsel,
and interest, and ill-pleased with Abimelech's power. WENT OVER TO
SHECHEM, by his presence and counsel to animate and assist them
against Abimelech.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEY WENT OUT INTO THE FIELDS, which, till his coming, they durst not
do, for fear of Abimelech; but now took confidence to do so, in
contempt of him. MADE MERRY; partly from the custom of rejoicing and
singing songs in vintage time, LEVITICUS 19:24 ISAIAH 16:10 JEREMIAH
25:30; and partly for the ho... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO IS ABIMELECH? what is he but a base-born person, an ambitious,
imperious, and cruel tyrant, and one every way unfit and unworthy to
govern you? WHO IS SHECHEM? Shechem is here the name, either,
1. Of the place or city of Shechem; and so the Hebrew particle _mi,
who_, is put for _mah, what_, as... [ Continue Reading ]
UNDER MY HAND, i.e. under my command; I wish you would unanimously
submit to me, as your captain and governor; for he found them divided,
and some of them hearkening after Abimelech, whom they had lately
rejected, according to the levity of the popular humour. THEN WOULD I
REMOVE ABIMELECH; as you h... [ Continue Reading ]
It seems he had temporized and complied with the people's humour and
plot against Abimelech, either in dissimulation and design, and by
Abimelech's connivance or advice, or really; but when he heard Gaal's
words, and himself traduced and struck at by them, he changed his
mind, repented of his defect... [ Continue Reading ]
PRIVILY, so as Gaal and his confederates might not know it. Or, _in
Tormah_; or, who was _in Tormah_; for some make it the name of the
place where Abimelech was, which is called with some variation
besiege or guard the city of Shechem,... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
BEHOLD, WHEN HE, i.e. Gaal, mentioned JUDGES 9:31.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
order, and to conduct them against Abimelech, whom he supposed to be
at a great distance.... [ Continue Reading ]
ZEBUL concealed the anger which he had conceived, JUDGES 9:30, and
pretended compliance with him in this expedition, that he might draw
him forth into the field, where Abimelech might have the opportunity
of lighting with him, and overthrowing him. THOU SEEST THE SHADOW OF
THE MOUNTAINS; for in the... [ Continue Reading ]
BY THE MIDDLE OF THE LAND, Heb. _by the navel of the land_. So he
calls either, first, The middle of it, as the middle part of Greece
and of Sicily are called the _navel_ of them by the Roman writers,
because the navel is in the midst of man's body; or, secondly, The
higher part of it, called _the m... [ Continue Reading ]
THY MOUTH, i.e. thy brags. Now thou betrayest thy fears; and therefore
now show thyself a man, and fight valiantly for thyself and people.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
HE FLED BEFORE HIM; being surprised by the unexpected coming of
Abimelech, and possibly not fully prepared for the encounter. MANY
WERE OVERTHROWN AND WOUNDED, being pursued and overtaken by Abimelech.... [ Continue Reading ]
Abimelech did not prosecute his victory, but retreated to Arumah,
partly to see the effect of this fight, and whether the Shechemites
would not of themselves return to his government, being either
persuaded by Zebul upon this occasion, or terrified by his strength
and valour, or now by his clemency... [ Continue Reading ]
THE PEOPLE WENT OUT INTO THE FIELD; either, first, To renew the fight,
and avenge themselves for their last loss, the great God hardening
their hearts to their destruction, and the accomplishment of his word
delivered to them by Jotham. But here is not one word about the
people's arming, or resistin... [ Continue Reading ]
THREE COMPANIES; whereof he kept one with himself, JUDGES 9:44, and
put the rest under other commanders.... [ Continue Reading ]
retreat into the city, and give the other two companies opportunity to
cut them off.... [ Continue Reading ]
Not to make the place barren, as salt will do, for then he would have
sowed the fields, not the city; but in token of his detestation and
desire of their utter and irrecoverable destruction; for salt is the
symbol or sign of perpetuity: compare NUMBERS 18:19 DEUTERONOMY 29:23
2 CHRONICLES 13:5 ZEPHA... [ Continue Reading ]
THE TOWER OF SHECHEM; a strong place belonging to the city of Shechem,
and made for its defence or security, but without the city. It is
thought this was that Milo which was confederate with Shechem in their
design for Abimelech, JUDGES 9:6, which also Jotham cursed with
Shechem, JUDGES 9:20, and th... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
ZALMON; a place so called from its shadiness, because there were many
trees there.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEBEZ; another town near to Shechem; and, as it seems, within its
territory.... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL THE MEN AND WOMEN; all that were not slain in the taking of the
town; or they all forsook the town, and retired to their strong hold.
THE TOP OF THE TOWER was flat and plain, after their manner of
building.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
Such great stones no doubt they carried up with them, whereby they
might defend themselves, or offend those who assaulted them. Here the
justice of God is remarkable in suiting the punishment to his sin. He
slew his brethren upon a stone, JUDGES 9:5, and he loseth his own life
by a stone.... [ Continue Reading ]
A woman slew him; which was esteemed a matter of disgrace.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]
he could, the name, and memory, and remainders of his father.... [ Continue Reading ]
No text from Poole on this verse.... [ Continue Reading ]