Lamentations 2:1

LAMENTATIONS CHAPTER 2 Jeremiah lamenteth the misery of Jerusalem, and its causes, and their enemies derision, LAMENTATIONS 2:1. In exhortation to true sorrow and repentance; a fervent prayer, LAMENTATIONS 2:18. HOW HATH THE LORD COVERED THE DAUGHTER OF ZION WITH A CLOUD IN HIS ANGER? It hath been f... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:2

THE LORD HATH SWALLOWED UP ALL THE HABITATIONS OF JACOB, AND HATH NOT PITIED; as he hath had no respect to his own house, so he hath had much less respect to the common habitations of the Jews. HE HATH THROWN DOWN IN HIS WRATH THE STRONG HOLDS OF THE DAUGHTER OF JUDAH; their military fortifications... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:3

HE HATH CUT OFF IN HIS FIERCE ANGER ALL THE HORN OF ISRAEL; that is, the beauty and strength of Israel, so horn signifieth by a usual metaphor in Scripture, PSALMS 74:4 JEREMIAH 48:25, &c., the horn being much the beauty of the beast, as also that member by which the beast puts forth its strength in... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:4

That is, God (whom by their sins they had provoked and made their enemy) behaved himself as an enemy, bending his bow, and stretching out his right hand, and slew their young men and maidens, who were pleasant to look upon; and had brought judgments upon them like fire, which devours without any dis... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:5

See LAMENTATIONS 2:2. Several pathetical expressions signifying the same things, properly imitating the dialect of mourners, whose passion suffers them not to speak according to art, but frequently they say the same things over and over.... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:6

The word translated TABERNACLE (say some) signifies a _hedge or fence_, and they would have it here so translated, and so the phrase should denote God's withdrawing his protection from the Jews; but it is no where so translated. It is another word used PSALMS 80:12, PSALMS 89:40. The most judicious... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:7

By ALTAR and SANCTUARY seemeth not to be meant strictly here the places or buildings so called, which are said to be the Lord s, because he directed the making of them, and they were dedicated to his service, and used for no other use; but the stated worship and communion of the church of the Jews;... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:8

The term WALL in this verse seemeth to be taken in a metaphorical sense, for the strength and security of the Jews (the strength and security of a place lying much in ifs walls). HE HATH STRETCHED OUT A LINE: artificers use with lines not only to mark out places for building, but also for destructio... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:9

HER GATES ARE SUNK INTO THE GROUND; that is, the gates of Jerusalem are destroyed and covered over with rubbish. HE HATH DESTROYED AND BROKEN HER BARS; the bolts of the gates are broken. HER KING AND HER PRINCES ARE AMONG THE GENTILES; Zedekiah and the nobles of Judah that were not slain were in mis... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:10

Sitting upon the ground, keeping silence, throwing dust on their heads, girding themselves with sackcloth, hanging down the head, were all of them postures, and actions, and gestures of mourners. The meaning of this whole verse is, that the whole city of Jerusalem was in a very sad state and conditi... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:11

This whole verse is but expressive of the prophet's great affliction for the miseries come upon the Jews: he wept himself almost blind, his passion had disturbed his bodily humours, that his bowels were troubled; his gall lying under his liver, upon this disturbance was vomited up: they are all no m... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:12

The little children, ignorant of the cause of the failure of their usual food, called to their mothers for it as formerly, being ready to faint and die, as men mortally wounded, for want of spirits and blood, use to faint, and died in their mothers arms; for so I had rather interpret the phrase _pou... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:13

The sum of this verse is, that the miserable condition of the people was both _incomparable_ and _incurable_. There was no people whose miserable condition was in any degree parallel to the misery of the Jews. It is some comfort to persons in misery to consider that others are and have been, as mise... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:14

Not the Lord's prophets in thee, but those prophets to whom you chose rather to hearken, and whom you believed rather than me and others sent by God to reveal his will unto you, came and told you idle and vain stories, that those who were carried into captivity should after two years return, &c. And... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:15

This was according to God's threatenings, 1 KINGS 9:8 JEREMIAH 18:16, JEREMIAH 19:8. God had poured out all his blessings upon this people, whatsoever might adorn them, or make them happy, so as all people blessed the Jewish nation; but now the case was so altered, that all people scoffed at them, a... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:16

As strangers that had no quarrels with nor prejudices against the Jews, passing by their country, and their great city Jerusalem, despised and scorned it; so their enemies with whom they had former quarrels, and who had taker up prejudices against them, they reproached and abused them, and triumphed... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:17

God hath not surprised us by these providences, he gave us notice what he would do, and hath done no more than what he threatened long since, LEVITICUS 26:16, &c.; DEUTERONOMY 28:15, &c. It is true lie hath severely punished us, so as in his dispensation there appear no prints of pity, he hath set u... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:18

They cried unto God seriously, though not sincerely; from their heart, though not with their whole heart; either by the wall, or upon the wall, or (which is judged most probable) by occasion of the breaches made in the wall. Upon this he turns his discourse to the wall itself, and calls to it, or to... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:19

The prophet calls upon the Jews not to be slothful in this their very evil day, but to rise up from their beds, and either at the beginning of the four watches, or at the beginning of each watch, at all times in the night, to betake themselves to God by prayer, and that not in a cold, lazy manner, b... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:20

CONSIDER TO WHOM THOU HAST DONE THIS; that is, not to heathen, who never owned thee, nor were called by thy name, but to thine own people, called thy portion and thine heritage; let thy former relation to us, and our former acknowledgments of thee, prevail with thee. Wilt thou suffer, or should such... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:21

None of what sex or age soever are spared: though the hands of the Chaldeans have done this, yet they have been set on and assisted by thee, and have been but the executioners of thy wrath and displeasure.... [ Continue Reading ]

Lamentations 2:22

As my people were wont to be called together from all parts in a solemn day, when they were to meet at Jerusalem from all parts of Judea; so now by thy providence my terrible enemies, or terrible things, are by thee called together against that holy city, whither thy people were wont to be called to... [ Continue Reading ]

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