LEVITICUS CHAPTER 11 From the laws concerning the priests, he now comes to those which belong to all the people. Beasts clean and unclean, Leviticus 11:1. Of fishes, Leviticus 11:9. Of fowls and creeping things, Leviticus 11:13. In touching of a dead carcass, Leviticus 11:24. Other creatures unclean, Leviticus 11:29. They are exhorted to purity and holiness from the nature of God, and his goodness to them in taking them to be his people, Leviticus 11:44,45. The whole repeated, Leviticus 11:46,47. The Lord spake to both Moses and Aaron, because the cognizance of the following matters belonged to both; the priest was to direct the people about the things forbidden or allowed where any doubt or difficulty arose, and the magistrate was to see the direction here given followed.

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