Leviticus 15:1

LEVITICUS CHAPTER 15 Uncleanness by issues, and their putrefaction and expiation, LEVITICUS 15:1. Of flowing seed, its uncleanness, LEVITICUS 15:16. Of women: their courses ordinarily, LEVITICUS 15:19; extraordinary, LEVITICUS 15:25. Their expiation, LEVITICUS 15:29,30. An exhortation to cleanness,... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:3

Or if it have run, and been stopped in great measure, either by the grossness of the humour, or by some obstruction in parts that it cannot run freely, as it did, but only droppeth.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:7

HE THAT TOUCHETH THE FLESH, that is, any part of his body; the word flesh being taken otherwise here than LEVITICUS 15:2; as the same word is frequently used in Scripture in differing significations in the same chapter, and sometimes in the same verse, as MATTHEW 8:22.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:11

This may be understood, either, 1. Of the person touching, if he that hath an issue toucheth another with unwashen hands. Thus most take it. But why then should it be limited to his hands? for if he had touched him by any other part, as suppose by kissing him, he had defiled him, though his hands h... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:13

IS CLEANSED OF HIS ISSUE; when his issue is not only stopped in part, or for a season, but hath wholly ceased. FOR HIS CLEANSING, to wit, for the use of the ceremonies prescribed in such cases. See NUMBERS 19:11,12. Shall be clean, i.e. admitted to converse with men, and with God in public ordinance... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:15

Not as if this was in itself a sin, but only a punishment of sin; though ofttimes it was sinful, as being a fruit of a man's intemperance and immoderate lust. See LEVITICUS 14:12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:16

GO OUT FROM HIM; not through weakness of the parts, as that LEVITICUS 15:3; but in his sleep, which is called _nightly pollution_, which, though involuntary, might arise from some lustful dream or imagination. But if it was voluntary, and by a man's own procurement when awake, it was esteemed abomin... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:18

MAN, or, _the man_, to wit, that had such an issue, which is plainly to be understood out, of the whole context. For though in some special cases, relating to the worship of God, men were to forbear the use of the marriage-bed, as EXODUS 19:15 1 SAMUEL 21:4; yet to affirm that the use of it in other... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:19

Heb. _And a woman, when she shall have an issue of blood_, (and because that might be at her nose or other parts, he adds,) and _her issue shall be in her flesh_, i.e. in her secret parts, as the word _flesh_ is taken LEVITICUS 15:2. So it notes her monthly disease. _Apart_, not out of the camp, as... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:24

HE SHALL BE UNCLEAN SEVEN DAYS, if he did this unwitingly; but if the man and woman did this knowingly, this was a gross sin, EZEKIEL 18:6; and they being accused and convicted were punished with death, LEVITICUS 20:18; for as there was a turpitude in the action, so it was very prejudicial to the ch... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:28

SEVEN DAYS from the stopping of her issue, as it is apparent. And this was for trial whether it was only a temporary obstruction, or a real cessation.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 15:31

WHEN THEY DEFILE MY TABERNACLE; which they did both ceremonially, by coming into it in their uncleanness, and morally, by the gross neglect and contempt of God's express and positive command to cleanse themselves.... [ Continue Reading ]

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