Leviticus 16:1

LEVITICUS CHAPTER 16 Aaron not permitted at all times to go into the holy of holies, LEVITICUS 16:1,2. He is commanded to make a general expiation, and wherewith, LEVITICUS 16:3. He-goats, the one for sacrifice, the other to escape, LEVITICUS 16:7,8. The manner of offering, LEVITICUS 16:9, and minis... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:2

THAT HE COME NOT AT ALL TIMES; not whensoever he pleaseth, but only when I shall appoint him, to wit, to take down the parts and furniture of it upon every removal, and to minister unto me once in the year, EXODUS 30:10. HOLYPLACE, i.e. into the most holy, or the holy of holies, as the following wor... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:3

THUS; in this manner, or upon these terms. _With a young bullock_, i.e. with the blood of it, as it is explained LEVITICUS 16:14. So it is a synecdoche, the whole put for the part. For as for the body of it, that was to be killed and offered without upon the altar of burnt-offerings. FOR A SIN-OFFER... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:4

It is observable that the high priest did not now use his peculiar and glorious robes, but only his linen garments, which were common to him with the ordinary priests. The reason whereof was, either because this was not a day of feasting and rejoicing, but of mourning and humiliation, at which times... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:8

ONE LOT FOR THE LORD; for the Lord's use and service by way of sacrifice. Both this and the other goat typified Christ; this in his death and passion for us; that in his resurrection for our deliverance.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:9

So the lot is said to FALL, JONAH 1:7 ACTS 1:26. Heb. _went up_, to wit, out of the vessel, into which the lots were put, and out of which they were brought up.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:11

THE BULLOCK, mentioned in general LEVITICUS 16:6; the ceremonies whereof are here particularly described. This was a differing bullock or heifer from that NUM 19, as appears by comparing the places.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:12

FROM OFF THE ALTAR, to wit, of burnt-offering, where the fire was always burning, and whence fire was taken for such uses as these. INCENSE; of which see EXODUS 30:34,35,38. WITHIN THE VEIL, i.e. into the holy of holies, LEVITICUS 16:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:13

UPON THE FIRE, which was in the censer, LEVITICUS 16:12. THAT HE DIE NOT for so gross an error committed in the highest acts of worship, and that by a high priest, whose knowledge and function was a great aggravation to his sin.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:14

HE SHALL SPRINKLE IT UPON THE MERCY-SEAT, to teach us that God is merciful to sinners only through and for the blood of Christ. EASTWARD, i.e. with his face eastward, or upon the eastern part of it, towards the people, who were in the court, which lay eastward from the holy of holies, which was the... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:15

Either he killed the goat before he entered into the holy of holies, though it be mentioned after, such transplacings of passages being not unusual; or rather he went out of the holy of holies and killed it, and then returned thither again with its blood, and this agrees best with the text, nor are... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:16

AN ATONEMENT FOR THE HOLY PLACE; of which see below, LEVITICUS 16:19,20 EXO 29:36 LEVITICUS 8:15 HEBREWS 9:13. BECAUSE OF THE UNCLEANNESS OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL; for though the people did not enter into that place, yet their sins entered thither, and would hinder the effects of the high priest's... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:17

IN THE TABERNACLE OF THE CONGREGATION, i.e. in the holy place, where the priests and Levites were at other times. This was commanded for the greater reverence to the Divine Majesty, then in a more special manner appearing, and that none of them might cast an eye into the holy of holies as the high p... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:18

UNTO THE ALTAR, to wit, the altar of incense, where the blood of sacrifices was to be put, LEVITICUS 4:7; and particularly the blood of the sin-offerings offered upon this day of atonement, EXODUS 30:10; and which is most truly and properly said to be before the Lord, i.e. before the place where God... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:19

SEVEN TIMES, to signify its perfect cleansing, seven being a number of perfection, and our perfect reconciliation by the blood of Christ here represented.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:21

BOTH HIS HANDS. See on EXODUS 29:10 LEVITICUS 1:4. And confess over him; confession of sin being a duty to accompany the sacrifice offered for it, as we see LEVITICUS 5:5 NUMBERS 5:7. All their transgressions in all their sins, or, with or according to all their sins; for so the Hebrew particle is o... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:23

Aaron shall come, forthwith, not expecting the return of the man who carried the goat away, but securely committing that to God's providence he shall go on in his work.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:24

IN THE HOLY PLACE; either in the laver appointed for that purpose, or in some other vessel within the holy place, because after he had washed in it he is said to COME FORTH. HIS GARMENTS; not his ordinary priestly linen garments, for he was to leave them in the tabernacle, LEVITICUS 16:23, but the h... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:29

FOR EVER. See on EXODUS 12:14. IN THE SEVENTH MONTH, answering part to our September, and part to our October; when they had gathered in all their fruits, and were most at leisure for God's service: this time God chose for this and other feasts, herein graciously condescending to men's necessities a... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:31

A SABBATH OF REST; observed as a sabbath day by cessation from all worldly and servile works, and diligent attendance upon God's worship and service.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 16:32

WHOM HE SHALL ANOINT;_ he_, i.e. either God, who commanded him to be anointed, as men are oft said to do what others do by their command, or the high priest, who was to anoint his successor. Or, the third person is here put indefinitely or impersonally, for _who shall be anointed_.... [ Continue Reading ]

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