Begotten of thy father, or, being akin to thy father. He seems to speak of the daughter of the father's brother by his wife, whom the father here spoken of, being brother to the deceased person, married by virtue of that law, Deuteronomy 25:5, by which marriage there was a near kindred contracted between the two families, so that the son of the one could not marry the daughter of the other. Thus this law is differing from that Leviticus 18:9. And that seems more probable, than that in so brief a table of laws the same thing should be forbidden both there and here. Object. The word being the same here and Leviticus 18:9, must be understood in the same sense, and therefore here must be rendered begotten or born, as it is there. Answ. It may be rendered there as well as here akin, as some render the words there of domestic, or of another, a foreign, kindred; and if the word had been participially put for begotten or born, it is likely the preposition mem or lamed would have been prefixed to the Hebrew word abicha, as is common in those cases.

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