LEVITICUS CHAPTER 19 Israelites must be holy, Leviticus 19:1,2; must honour their parents, and keep sabbaths, Leviticus 19:3; shun idolatry, Leviticus 19:4; duly to stay and eat their peace-offerings, Leviticus 19:5; in harvest-time leave gleanings for the poor and stranger, Leviticus 19:9,10; not steal, deceive, or lie, Leviticus 19:11; nor swear falsely, Leviticus 19:12; nor defraud, rob, or detain, Leviticus 19:13; nor curse the deaf, nor put a stumbling-block before the blind, Leviticus 19:14; nor judge unjustly, Leviticus 19:15; nor be tale-bearers; nor bear false witness against their neighbour, Leviticus 19:16; but rebuke their brother for sin, Leviticus 19:17; not revenge themselves, but love their neighbours, Leviticus 19:18; not to mix different things, Leviticus 19:19. The punishment of a man lying with a bondmaid, Leviticus 19:20. They must not eat of the fruits of Canaan till alter four years, Leviticus 19:23. To eat no blood, and use no soothsaying, Leviticus 19:26, nor any heathenish method of mourning, Leviticus 19:28, nor prostitute their daughters, Leviticus 19:29; but must reverence God and his ordinances, Leviticus 19:30; not regard conjurers and wizards, Leviticus 19:31; honour the ancient, Leviticus 19:32; love and right strangers, Leviticus 19:33,34; do no unrighteousness, either in judgment or commerce, Leviticus 19:35,36. No text from Poole on this verse.

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