I will set my face against that man, i.e. deal with him as an enemy, and make him a monument of my justice, either by punishing him immediately and eminently, when the magistrate cannot or will not do it, or by adding to his corporal punishments my curse upon his soul and name. See Leviticus 17:10. From among his people; from the number of his people, of what nation or kindred soever he was; or, from the land of the living. To defile my sanctuary, which was done by this wickedness, either because such persons did, for the cover of their idolatry, come into God's sanctuary, as the rest did; see Leviticus 15:31; or because the sanctuary was, and was said to be, defiled by gross abominations committed in that city or land where God's sanctuary was; or because by these actions they did pronounce and declare to all men that they esteemed the sanctuary and service of God abominable and vile, by preferring such odious and pernicious idolatry before it. And to profane my holy name; partly by despising it themselves, and partly by disgracing it to others, and giving them occasion to blaspheme it, and to abhor the true religion, because they saw it deserted and condemned by those that best knew it and once embraced it.

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