Leviticus 24:1

LEVITICUS CHAPTER 24 The oil for the lamps, LEVITICUS 24:1. The shew-bread, LEVITICUS 24:5. Shelomith's son blasphemeth, LEVITICUS 24:10. The law of blasphemy, LEVITICUS 24:13. Of murder, LEVITICUS 24:17. Of damage, LEVITICUS 24:18. The blasphemer is stoned, LEVITICUS 24:23. No text from Poole on [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:2

THAT THEY BRING, at their common charge, because it was for their common good and service. This command was given before, EXODUS 27:20.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:3

THE VEIL OF THE TESTIMONY, i.e. which was before the ark of the testimony. SHALL AARON ORDER IT; either by himself, or by his sons, EXODUS 25:37.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:5

THOU SHALT TAKE; by the priests or Levites, whose work it was to prepare them, 1 CHRONICLES 9:32. TWELVE CAKES, representing the twelve tribes. TWO TENTH DEALS, i.e. two omers. See LEVITICUS 23:13.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:6

Not one above another, but one beside another, as the frankincense put upon each, LEVITICUS 24:7, shows. The pure table was so called because it was covered with pure gold, EXODUS 25:24, and because it was always to be kept very pure and clean by the care of the priests.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:7

PURE FRANKINCENSE, unmixed and uncorrupted, or of the best sort. THAT IT MAY BE ON THE BREAD, or _to the bread_, or _for the bread_, to wit, to be burnt before the Lord instead of the bread, which could not conveniently be offered to God in that manner. And this was done every time that the bread wa... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:8

BEFORE THE LORD, whence it was called the shew-bread, Heb. _the bread of faces_, or _of presence_, i.e. the bread which was put upon the table in the Lord's presence. BEING TAKEN; such supplements are not unusual. Thus in the floor, 1 KINGS 22:10, is put for _sitting in the floor_, 2 CHRONICLES 18:9... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:9

i.e. The old bread now to be taken away. OF THE OFFERINGS, or, as one or being one _of the offerings_, &c., in regard of the incense which was offered by fire, and that for or instead of the bread, as was said on LEVITICUS 24:7, and therefore the broad was reputed as if it had been so offered.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:10

WHOSE FATHER WAS AN EGYPTIAN: this circumstance seems noted, partly to show the danger of marriages with persons of wicked principles or practices, wherein the children, as one wittily and truly observes, like the conclusion, do commonly follow the worse part, and are more easily taught by word or e... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:11

THE NAME OF THE LORD: the words _of the Lord_, or _of Jehovah_, are here conveniently supplied out of LEVITICUS 24:16, where they are expressed, but here they are omitted for the aggravation of his crime. He BLASPHEMED THE NAME, so called by way of eminency; that name which is above every name; that... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:12

For God had only said in general, _that he would not hold such guiltless_, i.e. he would punish them, but had not declared how he would have them punished by men.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:14

By LAYING THEIR HANDS UPON HIS HEAD they gave public testimony that they heard this person speak such words, and did in their own and in all the people's names desire and demand justice to be executed upon him, that by this sacrifice God might be appeased, and his judgments turned away from the peop... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:15

i. e. Speaketh of him reproachfully, and with contempt. They therefore are greatly mistaken that understand this of the heathen gods, whom their worshippers are forbidden to reproach or curse. But Moses is not here giving laws to heathens, but to the Israelites; nor would he concern himself so much... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:16

HE THAT BLASPHEMETH THE NAME OF THE LORD: this some make a distinct sin from _cursing his God_, mentioned LEVITICUS 24:15, but the difference they make seems arbitrary, and without evidence from reason, or the use of the words. And therefore this may be a repetition of the same sin in other words, w... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 24:17

This law is repeated here, either to justify this sentence of putting blasphemers to death, from the same severity executed for a less crime; or to prevent the mischievous effects of men's striving or contending together, which as here it caused blasphemy, so it might in others lead to murder.... [ Continue Reading ]

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