Leviticus 25:1

LEVITICUS CHAPTER 25 The land not to be tilled, but rest the seventh year; and that which grew of itself in the field or vineyard to be meat for them and their cattle, LEVITICUS 25:1. The jubilee on the day of atonement; a year of liberty and restoration; a year of rest to the land; of the peculiar... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:2

WHEN YE COME INTO THE LAND, so as to be settled in it; for the tithe of the wars was not to be accounted, nor the time before Joshua's distribution of the land among them, JOSHUA 14:7,10. KEEP A SABBATH, i.e. enjoy rest and freedom from ploughing, tilling, &c. UNTO THE LORD, i.e. in obedience and un... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:5

OF ITS OWN ACCORD; from the grains that fell out of the ears the last reaping time. THOU SHALT NOT REAP, i.e. as thy own peculiarly, but only so as others may reap it with thee, for present food. THE GRAPES OF THY VINE UNDRESSED, Heb. _the grapes of thy separation_, i.e. the grapes which thou hast s... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:6

THE SABBATH, i.e. the growth of the sabbath, or that fruit which groweth in the sabbatical year. See on LEVITICUS 23:38, where the word _sabbath_ is taken in the like sense. FOR THEE, AND FOR THY SERVANT; for all promiscuously, to take food from thence as they need it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:9

THE JUBILEE signified the true liberty from our spiritual debts and slaveries, to be purchased by Christ, and to be published to the world by the sound of the gospel. THE SEVENTH MONTH was the first month of the year for civil and worldly affairs, which were mainly concerned in the jubilee, and ther... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:10

By which it seems most probable that the year of jubilee was not the forty and ninth year, as some learned men think, but precisely the fiftieth year; which may appear, 1. Because the Jews account it so, which is confessed by the adversaries of this opinion, who say that _the Jews err in the comput... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:12

IT SHALL BE HOLY UNTO YOU: so it was, because it was sequestered in great part from worldly employments, and dedicated to God, and to the exercise of holy joy and thankfulness; and because it was a type of that holy and happy jubilee which they were to expect and enjoy by and under the Messias. THE... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:14

Neither the seller by requiring more, nor the buyer by taking the advantage from his brother's necessities to give him less than the worth of it.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:15

Or, OF YEARS OF FRUITS, or, _of fruitful years_; for there were some unfruitful years, to wit, such wherein they were not allowed to sow or reap, &c.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:16

Or, _for the number of the fruits_. The meaning is, he selleth not the land, but only the fruits thereof, and that for a certain time.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:21

i.e. Give MY BLESSING. _Commanding_ is oft used in Scripture either for the performance of promised blessings, as DEUTERONOMY 28:8 PSALMS 111:9, PSALMS 133:3, or for the execution of threatened judgments, as ISAIAH 5:6 AMOS 9:4; both being acts of God's providential will, as the command is of his le... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:23

FOR EVER, or, _absolutely and properly_, so as to become the propriety of the buyer; or _to the extermination or utter cutting off_, to wit, of the seller, from all hopes and possibility of redemption. _For the land is mine_; procured for you by my power, given to you by my mere grace and bounty, an... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:25

SOME OF HIS POSSESSION, to wit, in the fields, but not in cities, LEVITICUS 25:29. IF ANY OF HIS KIN COME TO REDEEM IT; or, _if the redeemer come, being near akin to him_, to whom the right of redemption belonged, RUTH 3:2,9,12 JER 32:7, who in this act was an eminent type of Christ, who was made ne... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:27

THE YEARS OF THE SALE THEREOF, i.e. from the time of the sale to the jubilee. SEE POOLE ON "LEVITICUS 25:15" SEE POOLE ON "LEVITICUS 25:16". The overplus, i.e. a convenient price for the years from this redemption to the jubilee.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:30

The reason is from the great difference between such houses and lands. The reasons before alleged for lands do not hold in such houses; there was no danger of confusion in tribes or families by the alienation of houses. The seller also had a greater propriety in houses than in lands, as not coming t... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:33

Or thus, _But he that shall redeem_ it shall be or must be of the Levites, i.e. no person of another tribe, though by marriage near akin to the selling Levite, shall redeem it, but Levites only, and any of them shall have the same power to redeem it, which in other tribes only the nearest kindred ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:34

Of THE SUBURBS OF THE CITIES, SEE POOLE ON "NUMBERS 35:4". MAY NOT BE SOLD; not sold at all, partly because it was of absolute necessity for them for the keeping of their cattle, and partly because these were no enclosures, but common fields, in which all the Levites that lived in such a city had an... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:35

FALLEN IN DECAY, Heb. _his hand wavereth, of faileth_ OR IS DECAYED so that he hath not power to get or keep wealth, as the phrase is, DEUTERONOMY 8:18; as on the contrary, when a man is able, _his hand_ is said _to attain and find sufficiency_, as here above, LEVITICUS 25:26. RELIEVE HIM, Heb. _str... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:36

i.e. Of thy brother, whether he be Israelite or proselyte. INCREASE: this some conceive relates to the fruits of the earth, food, &c., as _usury_ doth to money. But here may rather seem to be two words expressing the same thing, (1.) To meet with the subtle evasions of crafty and covetous men, who m... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:39

Neither for the time, for ever, nor for the manner, with the hardest and vilest kinds of service, rigorously and severely exacted from him.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:41

THEN SHALL HE DEPART FROM THEE; thou shalt not suffer him or his to abide longer in thy service, as thou mightest do in the year of release, EXODUS 21:2,6.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:42

THEY ARE MY SERVANTS; they, no less than you, are members of my church and people; such as I have chosen out of all the world to serve me here, and to enjoy me hereafter, and therefore are not to be oppressed or abused, neither are you absolute lords over them, to deal with them as you please.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:43

Though thou dost not fear them who are in thy power, and unable to right themselves, yet fear that God who hath commanded thee to use them kindly, and who can and will avenge their cause, if thou dost oppress them.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:47

THE STOCK, Heb. _root_, i.e. one of the root or stock. So the word _root_ is elsewhere used for the branch or progeny growing from it, as NUMBERS 13:28 2 CHRONICLES 22:10. He seems to note one of a foreign race and country, transplanted into the land of Israel, and there having taken root amongst th... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:50

Allowance shall be made for the time wherein he hath served, proportionable to that which is given to a hired servant for so long service, because his condition is in this like theirs; that it is not properly his person, but his work and labour that was sold.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 25:53

Thou shalt not suffer this to be done, but whether thou art a magistrate, or a private person, thou shalt take care according to thy capacity to get it remedied.... [ Continue Reading ]

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