Leviticus 26:1

LEVITICUS CHAPTER 26 God commands them to shun idolatry, LEVITICUS 26:1, keep his sabbaths, and reverence his sanctuary, LEVITICUS 26:2, and walk in his statutes, LEVITICUS 26:3; promising plenty, peace, victory, fruitfulness, his tabernacle and presence, LEVITICUS 26:4. Dreadful threatenings agains... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:2

REVERENCE MY SANCTUARY, by purging and preserving it from all uncleanness, by approaching to it, and managing all the services of it, with reverence, and in such manner only as God hath appointed.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:4

I WILL GIVE YOU RAIN; therefore God placed them not in a land where there were such rivers as Nilus to water it and make it fruitful, but in a land which depended wholly upon the rain of heaven, the key whereof God kept in his own hand, that so he might the more effectually oblige them to obedience,... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:5

YOUR THRESHING SHALL REACH UNTO THE VINTAGE, i.e. you shall have so plentiful a harvest, that you shall not be able to thresh out your corn in a little time, but that work will last till the vintage.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:6

NEITHER SHALL THE SWORD GO THROUGH YOUR LAND, i.e. war, as the _sword_ is oft taken, as NUMBERS 14:3 2 SAMUEL 12:10. Otherwise there is the sword of justice. It shall not enter into it, nor have passage through it, much less shall your land be made the seat of war.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:10

BRING FORTH THE OLD, or, _cast out_, throw them away, as having no occasion to spend them, or give them to the poor, or even to your cattle, that you may make way for the new corn, which also is so plentiful, that of itself will fill up your barns.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:12

I WILL WALK AMONG YOU, as I have hitherto done, both by my pillar of cloud and fire, and by my tabernacle, which have walked or gone along with you in all your journeys, and stayed among you in all your stations, to protect, conduct, instruct, and comfort you. YE SHALL BE MY PEOPLE; I will own you f... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:13

With heads lifted up, not pressed down with a yoke. It notes their liberty, security, confidence, and glory. See EXODUS 14:8 NUMBERS 33:3.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:15

i.e. Break your part or conditions of that covenant made between me and you, and thereby discharge me from the blessings promised on my part.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:16

I WILL EVEN APPOINT OVER YOU; I will give them power over you, that you shall not be able to avoid or resist them. Shall consume the eyes, by the decay of spirits, and affluence of ill humours.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:19

THE PRIDE OF YOUR POWER, i.e. your strength, of which you are proud, your numerous and united forces, your kingdom, yea, your ark and sanctuary. YOUR EARTH AS BRASS; the heavens shall yield you no rain, nor the earth fruits.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:21

CONTRARY UNTO ME, OR, CARELESSLY OR HEEDLESSLY WITH ME, or BEFORE ME, i.e. so as to be careless and unconcerned whether you please me or offend me. This is opposed to exact and circumspect walking with God, as Abraham did, GENESIS 17:1, and all are to do, EPHESIANS 5:15.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:25

THE QUARREL OF MY COVENANT, i.e. my quarrel with you for your breach of your faith and covenant made with me. INTO THE HAND OF THE ENEMY; because those few that shall be left of the pestilence will be unable to defend you in your cities or strong holds.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:26

BROKEN THE STAFF OF YOUR BREAD; either, 1. By taking away that power and virtue of nourishing which I have put into bread or food, which when I withdraw it will be unable to nourish. Or rather, 2. By sending a famine, or scarcity of bread, which is the staff and support of man's present life, PSALM... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:28

CONTRARY UNTO YOU IN FURY; or, IN FURY OF RASHNESS or CARELESSNESS WITH YOU OR AMONG YOU, like a raging lion breaking into a multitude of people, and destroying all he meets with promiscuously, or without any distinction, both righteous and wicked together, as is threatened EZEKIEL 21:3. Or, _in fur... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:30

YOUR HIGH PLACES, in which you will sacrifice after the manner of the heathens. See LEVITICUS 19:26 NUMBERS 33:52. YOUR IMAGES; or, _your images of the sun_, made for the honour and worshipping of the sun, and having some resemblance to it. See 2 CHRONICLES 34:7. Under this one kind of idolatry, fam... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:31

YOUR SANCTUARIES; either, 1. God's sanctuary, called sanctuaries here, as also PSALMS 73:17, PSALMS 74:7 JEREMIAH 51:51 EZEKIEL 28:18, because there were divers apartments in it, each of which was a sanctuary, or, which is all one, a holy place, as they are severally called. And _your_ emphatically... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:34

Either, 1. Because it shall be rid of you, who were the unprofitable and heavy burdens thereof, under whom it in a manner groaned. Or rather, 2. Because it shall now enjoy those sabbatical years of rest from tillage, which you through covetousness ofttimes would not give it, as the next verse info... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:36

FAINTNESS: the word notes a tenderness and softness of mind, whereby they are disenabled from bearing the present miseries, and are in continual dread of further and sorer miseries.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:37

THEY SHALL FALL ONE UPON ANOTHER, as soldiers use to do when their ranks are broken, and they forced to flee away hastily from their pursuers. WHEN NON PURSUETH; your guilt and fear causing you to imagine that they do pursue you when indeed they do not.... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:40

IF THEY SHALL CONFESS, Heb. _And they shall confess_, where our translation and many others understand the particle _if_, which is also wanting and understood, EXODUS 4:23 ZECHARIAH 1:2, ZECHARIAH 3:8. So here, _And if they shall confess_, &c. But there seems no necessity of any such supplement, but... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:41

The Hebrew word _avou_ commonly signifies _iniquity_, but it is oft used for THE PUNISHMENT OF INIQUITY, as here and 1 SAMUEL 28:10 PSALMS 31:10 ISAIAH 53:6,11. The meaning is, if they sincerely acknowledge the righteousness of God, and their own wickedness, and patiently submit to his correcting ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:42

I WILL REMEMBER MY COVENANT, to wit, so as to perform it, and make good all that I have promised in it. For words of knowledge or remembrance in Scripture do most commonly connote affection and kindness; of which there are many instances, some given before, and more hereafter. I WILL REMEMBER THE LA... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:44

Neither the desperateness of their condition, nor the greatness of their sins, shall make me wholly make void my covenant with them and their ancestors, but I will in due time remember them for good, and for my covenant's sake return to them in mercy. From this place the Jews take great comfort, and... [ Continue Reading ]

Leviticus 26:45

FOR THEIR SAKES, or rather, _to_ or _for_ them, i.e. for their good or benefit; for surely, if one considers what is said before concerning the wickedness of this people, he cannot say this deliverance was given them for their sakes, but must rather say with the prophet, EZEKIEL 36:22,32, _not for y... [ Continue Reading ]

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