Luke 1:1

LUKE CHAPTER 1 LUKE 1:1 Luke's preface. LUKE 1:5 An angel appeareth to Zacharias, and promises him a son in his old age. LUKE 1:18 Zacharias doubting is struck dumb for a sign. LUKE 1:24 His wife Elisabeth conceives. LUKE 1:26 The angel's visit to Mary. LUKE 1:39 Elisabeth, saluted by Mary, p... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:5

The Holy Ghost, for infinitely wise reasons, giveth us here an account both of the time when John the Baptist was born, and also of his parentage. It was IN THE DAYS OF HEROD, THE KING OF JUDEA, that is, he who was the son of Antipater: not Herod the tetrarch of Galilee, of whom you read LUKE 3:1, w... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:6

That they were not righteous by a perfect legal righteousness, being not guilty of any sin, is certain, for so _there is none righteous, no, not one; _ but so righteous, as that God accepted them, and looked upon them as righteous; as Abraham believed, and it was imputed to him for righteousness, th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:7

Amongst all earthly blessings, there is nothing we more desire than children, in whom we have a kind of perpetuity, living in our species and in our posterity when we are dead in nature. But as God, for our trial, doth often deny us other good things which are the great objects of our desires, so he... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:8

Ver. 8,9. The priests were multiplied to an exceeding number; we find an account of more than four thousand upon the return out of the captivity of Babylon, EZRA 2:36; they were doubtless afterward multiplied to a far greater number. Josephus tells us there were a thousand in a course; whether they... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:10

We are told, that the order of the Jewish daily service was this: twice in the day the priests whose course it was to minister, or such of them whose lot it was, went into the holy place to burn incense, according to the law, EXODUS 30:7. When they went in, a bell rung, to give notice that it was th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:11

Though we translate it _appeared, _ yet in the Greek it is, there was seen of him. An angel indeed was there; whether the angel Gabriel or not, or in what form he appeared, it is not said. It is by some observed, that until the Urim and Thummim ceased, no angel appeared to any priest executing his o... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:12

We are naturally affrighted at sudden and unusual things, but especially at any Divine appearances, whether God himself takes a shape, or authorizes an angel to do it. So was Daniel, DANIEL 10:7,8; and Manoah and his wife, JUDGES 13:20; and Paul, ACTS 9:1. For though God doth not make these appearan... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:13

Although the great God useth so to show himself to the best of his own people, as to imprint upon them a sacred awe of his majesty, yet he never suffereth the souls of his people to sink under those apprehensions. The first words the angel saith to Zacharias are, FEAR NOT, ZACHARIAS. I am no bad mes... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:14

None ought to have so mean thoughts of these words of the angel, as to think that they are only expressive of that affection which commonly discovereth itself in us when God giveth us sons, especially after a long barrenness, but of a further joy and gladness his parents should have upon a spiritual... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:15

Ver. 15,16. We have a natural ambition to be great, but it is only to be great in the sight of men; thence one man coveteth riches, another honours and reputation; but the true greatness is to be GREAT IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD, who doth certainly judge with the truest and most infallible judgment. I... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:17

God was last spoken of, he must therefore be the _him_ mentioned here, before whom John the Baptist was to go, according to the prophecy, ZECHARIAH 4:5,6; from whence is an evident proof that Christ was the Lord our God, before whom John the Baptist came, IN THE SPIRIT AND POWER OF ELIAS, and theref... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:18

The words are much the same with those of Abraham, GENESIS 15:8, _Whereby shall I know that I shall inherit it, _ viz. the land of Canaan? And Mary, LUKE 1:34, when the same angel had told her she should have a child, LUKE 1:31, saith, _How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?_ Gideon also asked... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:19

Ver. 19,20. It is by some observed, that before the captivity of Babylon we read of no name of any angel, who have no names as we have, but assume names to declare the nature of their ministration; and that Gabriel signifieth, the power, or the strength, of God, because the declaring of the gospel,... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:21

Ver. 21-23. While the priest was in the holy place, the people were in that part of the temple called the court of Israel, or the court of the people, praying: when he had done, he came out, and blessed them according to the law, NUMBERS 6:23, where is the form of blessing which he used; for this th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:24

Ver. 24,25. How long _after those days_ the Scripture saith not, but it is probable it was soon after, as in the case of Abraham, and in the case of Manoah's wife, JUDGES 13:3, who conceived presently after the revelation. AND HID HERSELF: not that she hid herself from seeing any person, but she con... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:26

Ver. 26,27. In the sixth month, that is, after Elisabeth's conception; thus it is expounded afterward, LUKE 1:36. THE ANGEL GABRIEL, the same angel that had appeared in the temple to Zacharias, who seemeth to have had a special ministration with reference to that part of God's will which was predict... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:28

OLBGrk; Virgins betrothed, until the consummation of their marriage, were ordinarily kept in their friends house: thither came this angel, and saith, HAIL, THOU THAT ART HIGHLY FAVOURED. The word translated _hail_ signifies, Rejoice thou, or is as much as, God save thee. It is not the form of a pra... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:29

It seemeth that she did not only hear a voice, and saw an ordinary appearance, but the appearance of the angel was attended with some manifestation of the glory of God, which affected her, and made her wonder what the meaning of this should be, that God should send an angel to her, and with such a k... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:30

This expounds those words, _thou that art highly favoured, _ LUKE 1:28, and lets her know that he came upon no ill design unto her, neither upon any human errand, nor yet with any message of evil tidings from God, for she was one for whom God had a favour.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:31

Ver. 31-33. These three verses contain the substance of the angel's message or errand to the virgin, to tell her she should be the mother of A SON, by what name she should call him, and what he should be. In telling her this, who knew herself to be a virgin, one who had not known man, (as she expres... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:34

There are some would excuse Mary in this reply, and tell us these words spake in her no doubt that the things spoken by the angel should not come to pass, only admiration, or a desire to be further acquainted which way God would effect such a wonder of providence. Others think her words hardly excus... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:35

THE HOLY GHOST (who is also called here _the power of the Highest) shall come upon thee; _ it is a phrase which signifieth a special and peculiar influence of the Holy Spirit: thus we read of the prophets, that the Spirit of the Lord came upon them, 2 CHRONICLES 20:14, &c., which argued a special in... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:36

Ver. 36,37. What a particular notice doth God take of the children of men! he knoweth our relations: THY COUSIN ELISABETH. Here some make a question how Elisabeth, who was one of the daughters of Aaron, LUKE 1:5, and consequently of the tribe of Levi, could be cousin to Mary, who was of the house of... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:38

_ Once have I spoken, _ (saith Job, JOB 40:5) _but I will not answer._ In like manner the virgin speaketh: I will dispute no more; I am the Lord's servant, let him do with me whatsoever he pleaseth. This phrase, BEHOLD THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD, doth not speak her the lady and queen of heaven, (as th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:39

Ver. 39,40. Many think that this city where this Zacharias lived was Hebron, before called Kirjatharba, JOSHUA 14:15, for that was a city in the mountainous part of Judah, one of the cities of refuge, and belonging to the priests, JOSHUA 20:7; but whether it was so or not cannot be certainly determi... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:41

The motion of the child in the womb of the mother after her time of quickening is past, and the more than ordinary motion of it upon some extraordinary cause of joy, is no unusual thing with women in those circumstances; but doubtless as this motion was more than ordinary, so it had a more than ordi... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:42

Elisabeth useth the same words to Mary which the angel had used for her, LUKE 1:28; that is, thou art an exceedingly happy woman, not only renowned, but one whom God hath greatly favoured and exceedingly blessed and made happy. AND BLESSED IS THE FRUIT OF THY WOMB. Though the same word be used, yet... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:43

Elisabeth in these words acknowledgeth both the incarnation of Christ, and the union of the Divine and human nature in the one person of the Mediator; she acknowledgeth Christ her Lord, and Mary to be his mother.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:44

By these words Elisabeth declareth that she looked upon the motion of the child in her womb, upon Mary's salutation of her, as something more than natural.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:45

Some will have this given as a reason why Elisabeth pronounced her blessed, because she believed that what God had said should have its effect; as, LUKE 11:27,28, when the woman blessed the womb that bare Christ, and the paps that gave him suck, Christ saith, _Yea, rather, blessed are they that hear... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:46

Ver. 46,47. We are now come to the famous song of the blessed virgin, upon whom also the Spirit of the Lord comes upon this occasion. She first solemnly gives praise unto God, then by various expressions declareth the power and goodness of God, showing him worthy to be praised, and lastly applies wh... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:48

OLBGrk; Our translators have here rightly translated tapeinwsin, LOW ESTATE. Mary doubtless doth not here commend her own humility, (as some papists would have it), but magnifies God for that he had respect to her who was of so mean and low a condition; for though she was of the family of David, yet... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:49

That which is observable both in this verse, and in this whole song, is how the blessed virgin attributes all to God, and ascribes nothing to herself, or any merits of her own, much like unto her father David. PSALMS 115:1, _Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mer... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:50

Having celebrated God for his glory and majesty, she here celebrates him for his mercy, which extends to all, but especially is showed to such as fear him. She certainly respecteth the promise of God to be the God of Abraham and this seed, but declareth this to be most eminently made good to those w... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:51

Ver. 51,52. In these verses the virgin celebrates both the power and justice of God, as she before had done his holiness, and his mercy and goodness. The strength of a man is much seen in the effects of his arm; hence God, who hath no such parts as we have, is yet spoken of as if he had an arm, by w... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:53

In this sentence the holy virgin celebrates the equity of God in the government of the world, proportioning men in some degrees one to another, that the rapacious qualities of some might not gain all to them, while, others have nothing. The notion of HUNGRY, speaketh persons in want, and craving a s... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:54

Ver. 54,55. In these verses the blessed virgin celebrates God's mercy together with his truth, withal she hath here a respect to God's particular goodness and mercy in the sending of the Redeemer. The word which we here translate HATH HOLPEN, signifieth he hath sustained, or as it were lifted up wit... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:56

It is most probable that she staid with her until she was brought to bed, not leaving her just at the time of her travail, but she staid not long after, but went home: by this time she must herself know that she was with child; and here in the true order of the history cometh in what we had MATTHEW... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:57

Ver. 57,58. The angel told Mary, LUKE 1:36, that it was then _the sixth month with her; _ after this Mary was with her about three months, which made up her full time; so she was delivered, and brought forth a son, to show the truth of God's promises, that we may all learn to give credit to his word... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:59

Ver. 59-61. The law for circumcision, GENESIS 17:12 LEVITICUS 12:3, was strictly for it to be performed the eighth day. We find nothing commanded in Scripture, either as to the person who was to perform the office of the circumciser, or as to the place. God met Moses in the inn, and sought to kill h... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:62

Ver. 62,63. It was the parents place, the father's especially, to give children their names. Zacharias was dumb as yet, they therefore made signs to him; he by writing declareth that his name was JOHN, that is, he was so named already by the angel, therefore there was to be no further dispute about... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:64

The angel, LUKE 1:20, inflicted the punishment upon him no longer than until what he had said should be performed; now it was performed, God looseth his tongue, and he praiseth God, by the song which we shall by and by meet with.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:65

OLBGrk; Ver. 65,66. By FEAR here is to be understood an awe and religions reverence of God, caused by these miraculous operations. _Fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles,_ ACTS 2:43. THESE SAYINGS, rhmata tauta; it is a Hebraism; these doings, or matters, or... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:67

We must not think that Zacharias was before this time destitute of the Holy Ghost, we heard the contrary before, LUKE 1:6, but the Holy Ghost at this time came upon him by a particular and more especial impulse; as it did upon the prophets, whom the Spirit moved but at some special times to prophesy... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:68

Ver. 68-70. God is not the God of Israel only, but of all the nations of the earth also; but he is peculiarly called THE GOD OF ISRAEL, both here and in many other places, PSALMS 41:13, PSALMS 72:18 PSALMS 106:48, &c., in regard of the covenant which he had specially made with them, and the special... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:71

Ver. 71,72. This was that which God had told them by his prophets, that a mighty salvation should arise to them out of the house of David, by which they should be saved from their enemies. By which enemies the generality of the Jews understood their temporal enemies, made of flesh and blood. But Zac... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:73

God first gave Abraham his word, GENESIS 18:10, then he confirmed it by his oath, GENESIS 22:16. The apostle, to the Hebrews, saith, HEBREWS 6:13, _When God made promise to Abraham, because he could swear by no greater, he swore by himself._... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:74

Ver. 74,75. Thus Zacharias, by an infallible Spirit, expounds the covenants and oaths of God to Abraham and David, not as they appear to us at first view, as if they were promises of a mere temporal kingdom, and a victory for the Jews over their enemies, together with a splendid state for them, whic... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:76

Zacharias here foretells what came to pass about thirty years after, for it cannot be thought that John began his ministry before the sacerdotal age, especially considering Christ did not begin sooner, LUKE 3:23. THOU SHALT BE CALLED THE PROPHET; that may either signify, thou shalt be a prophet, as... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:77

To preach the doctrine of repentance to men, that they may obtain remission of sins. But it seems more natural, To teach people that the only way by which they can attain salvation, is not by any righteousness of their own, but by obtaining the free pardon and remission of their sins by Christ and h... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:78

OLBGrk;OLBHeb; In the Greek it is, through the bowels of mercy. An ordinary expression, and very natural, to signify great and deep compassion, GENESIS 43:30 1 KINGS 3:26. Our remission of sin floweth from God's bowels of mercy; it depends not upon our satisfactions and penances, (as papists dream),... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:79

Here Zacharias showeth us the end why God visited us with his Son, _the Branch, the Light, the Dayspring, the Sun of righteousness._ Men were in the darkness of sin and ignorance, dead in trespasses and sins, at war and enmity with God; Christ came to give them the light of gospel revelations, the l... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 1:80

The evangelist having done with Zacharias's prophetical song, now cometh to tell us what became of John. He saith, _the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit._ He did not only grow in his bodily dimensions, but in the endowments of his mind. AND WAS IN THE DESERTS, that is, in places very thinly in... [ Continue Reading ]

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