Ver. 31-33. These three verses contain the substance of the angel's message or errand to the virgin, to tell her she should be the mother of a Son, by what name she should call him, and what he should be. In telling her this, who knew herself to be a virgin, one who had not known man, (as she expresses it, Luke 1:34), he plainly minds her that the prophecy, Isaiah 7:14, should be fulfilled in her. Thus far the angel's word signifieth a promise. And shalt call his name Jesus: the angel saith the same to Joseph, Matthew 1:21, and expounds it, adding, for he shall save his people from their sins; and thus the prophet expounds it, who saith, Isaiah 7:14, his name should be called Immanuel. There were two of this name before, Joshua and Jeshua, both of which were great types of Christ, as being great temporal saviours to the Israelites. The one brought them into Canaan; the other led them out of Babylon, Ezra 2:2. But this was yet a more excellent Joshua, who was to save his people from their sins. The angel further goes on describing him, saying, He shall be great. Isaiah had said, Isaiah 9:6, his name shall be called Wonderful, mighty both in words and deeds, Luke 24:19. And shall be called the Son of the Highest, that is, the Son of God, who is often in Scripture made known by this name, Genesis 14:19 Psalms 83:18, Psalms 92:1 Mark 5:7. He shall be called the Son, that is, he shall be so, for this phrase so signifieth often, Isaiah 1:26 1 Thessalonians 1:12; for he shall be known and declared to be so, Romans 1:4. Peter so called him; so did the centurion who attended his cross. God himself called him so, Psalms 2:7, and that in a sense agreeing to none but him; no, not to the angels, Hebrews 1:5, much less to saints. And the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David: not the temporal kingdom, but the spiritual kingdom over the same people over whom David ruled, from whom he is descended. It appeareth from many passages in the prophets that David's kingdom was a type of Christ s, 2 Samuel 7:13 Psalms 2:6, Psalms 132:11 Isaiah 9:6,7 Am 9:11. Hence we find the name of David given to Christ, Jeremiah 30:9 Ezekiel 34:23 Ezekiel 37:24 Hosea 3:5. And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. Jacob was the father of the twelve tribes of Israel; so as the house of Jacob primarily signifieth the Jews, who were the natural branches in this excellent olive. Christ's kingdom extended beyond the house of Jacob, but it began there, his law went first out of Zion, and he was in the first place sent to the lost sheep of Israel; he was the minister of the circumcision, Romans 15:8. Others were to be joined to the house of Jacob, Isaiah 14:1. Or Jacob, and the house of Jacob, may signify the whole church, all that should believe in Christ. The rod of his strength went out of Zion, Psalms 110:2, though his kingdom was not confined to Jacob. All believers who worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, are by the apostle determined the circumcision, Philippians 3:3, and he is a Jew who is one inwardly, Revelation 2:29. And of his kingdom there shall be no end: this both expounds the words for ever, going just before, and also distinguishes the kingdom of Christ from all kingdoms of the world, which all shall have their periods; and also assures us of the continuance of the gospel church, which is Christ's kingdom, till his kingdom of glory be revealed; and this agreeth with the prophecies of the Old Testament, concerning the kingdom of the Messiah, and the typical kingdom of David, Psalms 145:13 Isaiah 9:7 Daniel 7:14 Micah 4:7.

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