Luke 12:1

LUKE CHAPTER 12 LUKE 12:1 Christ teacheth his disciples to avoid hypocrisy, and not to be fearful in publishing his doctrine. LUKE 12:13 He refuseth to be judge in a civil cause, and warns the people to beware of covetousness by the parable of a rich man, who boasted himself in his multiplied stores... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:2

It is a proverbial expression: those, and parabolical expressions, may be applied in several cases, and to several subjects: we have met with this before variously applied, MATTHEW 10:26 MARK 4:22; and in this Gospel, LUKE 8:17. Here it is applied as an argument against hypocrisy, or the concealing... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:3

We have something very like this MATTHEW 10:27, spoken by way of precept. It seemeth to be a sentence also variously applied: it may be left indifferent to the reader, whether he will understand it as a promise of the publication of the gospel, (to which purpose it seems to be spoken in the form of... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:4

Ver. 4,5. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:28", where we met with the same. In LUKE 12:5 our Saviour arms his disciples to encounter those storms of persecution which he knew they would meet with after he should be taken up into heaven. Here are two arguments in this verse: 1. The one drawn from the impote... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:6

Ver. 6,7. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:29", and following verses to MATTHEW 10:31. Our Saviour's third argument is brought from the providence of God, both his general providence, upholding the beings of all his creatures, so that he forgetteth not a sparrow, though a creature of so minute a value, that... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:8

Ver. 8,9. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:32", SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:33". Here is a fourth and fifth argument, drawn from the rewards and punishments of such as shall confess or deny Christ before men. Confession here signifies, the owning and adhering to the truths and ways of God in a time of oppositi... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:13

Ver. 13,14. This passage certainly is not recorded for nothing; if it teacheth us any thing, it is this, That matters of civil justice belong not to those whom Christ sends to preach his gospel: that work is enough for them. Christ here refuseth the office so much as of an arbitrator. A very learned... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:15

OLBGrk; The pleonexia, here translated _covetousness_ immoderate desire of having of this world's goods, which discovers itself either by unrighteous acts in procuring, or uncharitable omissions for the keeping, of the things of this life. It is that filarguria, _love of money, _ which the apostle d... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:16

OLBGrk; Ver. 16-21. The evangelist lets us know, that these verses contain not a narrative of a matter of fact, but only a representation of something that is too ordinary, by a fictitious story. The scope of it is to justify what our Saviour had said in the verse immediately preceding, that a man's... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:22

OLBGrk; Ver. 22-30. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 6:25", and following verses to MATTHEW 6:32, where we before met with all that is here. The thoughtfulness here forbidden is not moderate, prudent thoughtfulness, or care; but, 1. A distrustful thoughtfulness; 2. Distracting or dividing cares, such as mak... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:31

OLBGrk; Matthew saith, _seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added, &c._ The particle plhn prefixed here to zhteite, (which we translate _rather seek_), doth expound Matthew's prwton, _seek first, _ and likewise expounds our Saviour's meaning, when he... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:32

Our Saviour had mentioned a kingdom, LUKE 12:31. How much too big a thought was this for fishermen, and others of his poor hearers, to entertain! He therefore here assures them of the thing, that they should have a kingdom, and showeth them that their title to it was his and their Father's will; tho... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:33

Ver. 33,34. The immutable purpose of the Divine Being to glorify the disciples of Christ, the freedom of the Divine will in the gift of heaven and glory, are neither of them exclusive of, but include and suppose, their duty to use such due means as he hath directed them, in the use of which they sha... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:35

Ver. 35,36. The first words of LUKE 12:40, _Be ye therefore ready also_, expound LUKE 12:35. In this sense we find the phrase used, 1 KINGS 18:46 2 KINGS 4:29, 2 KINGS 9:1 JOB 38:3, JOB 40:7 JEREMIAH 1:17. In those Eastern countries both masters and servants were wont to wear long garments, which th... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:37

Ver. 37-40. The duty which Christ is here pressing upon his hearers is watchfulness, which signifieth: 1. A negation of sleep; 2. An industrious keeping ourselves awake with reference to some particular end. The end here expressed is the happy receiving of Christ, coming to judgment; from whence is... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:41

OLBGrk; Ver. 41-48. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 24:45" and following verses to MATTHEW 24:51, where we met with the same parable, but here expressed more largely, and with more circumstances. Matthew hath not the introduction to it which we have here, LUKE 12:41. It was occasioned from Peter's saying to C... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:49

OLBGrk; Some of the ancients here by _fire_ understood the Holy Ghost, or the preaching of the gospel, with those flames of love and holy affections which that causeth in the hearts of good people; but this interpretation cannot but be looked upon as strained to those who compare this verse with LUK... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:50

This baptism, spoken of here by our Saviour, is the same mentioned MATTHEW 20:22,23, and can be understood of nothing but his passion, the accomplishment of which he hints us was to be before the fire (before mentioned) would blaze up on the earth. Concerning this he saith he was _straitened till it... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:51

Ver. 51-53. SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:34", SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 10:35". Our Saviour in these words doth but pursue the same argument which began LUKE 12:49, to show what would be the consequences of the doctrine of the gospel. And hereby they might have understood a design in our Saviour to convince... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:54

Ver. 54-56. We met with a discourse of the same nature; SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 16:2", SEE POOLE ON "MATTHEW 16:3". The sense of our Saviour is, that God by his prophets had given them more certain signs and revelations of the coming of the Messiah, and of the nature of his kingdom, and the effects an... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:57

Ver. 57-59. Our Saviour made use of this expression, MATTHEW 5:25,26, to persuade peace between brethren; here he useth it to persuade men to acquaint themselves with God, and be at peace. He had been treating of the last judgment; there was no fitter foundation upon which he could build all exhorta... [ Continue Reading ]

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