Ver. 9,10. It is the opinion of some, that by house is here to be understood Zacchaeus and his whole family. Nor can it be denied, but that God, when he poureth out the oil of grace upon the head of a family, maketh some of it to run down to the skirts of his garments. God's covenant was with Abraham and his seed. There is a blessing upon whole nations, and whole families, where the heads of them receive the gospel; but this is not to be extended beyond some gospel privileges, and the liberty of the means of grace. ewthria egeneto (which we translate salvation is come) seemeth to signify much more than this. I had rather therefore interpret this house, the head of this house. Forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham. Here again a question ariseth, in what sense these words are to be understood, whether that he were the son of Abraham, as Abraham was the father of the Jewish nation, or as he was the father of the faithful, viz. of all those who believed, or should believe, in Christ. Those who think he was a Jew, suppose that the Romans did employ some Jews in their service, to gather the public revenue, which is not improbable, being no more than is done by all conquerors: they have also to countenance them,

1. That Zacchaeus is a name of Hebrew extraction.

2. That his mention of a fourfold restitution seemeth to have reference to the law of fourfold restitution, in case of a sheep stolen, and alienated, Exodus 22:1.

3. That the Jews did not charge our Saviour for eating with a person uncircumcised, but a person that was a scandalous sinner. These make these words to be a reason given by our Saviour why he was so kind to Zacchaeus, because he also was a son of Abraham, one of the lost sheep of the house of Israel. If I could interpret swthria, the means of salvation, I should incline to this sense also; but taking it to signify saving grace, which brings men to a certainty of salvation, remission of sins, and the justification of the soul of this publican, I cannot but think that by a son of Abraham in this text is meant a true believer, which he might be, and yet be a native Jew also. Though all Israel did not obtain, yet the election amongst them did obtain, Romans 11:7. All were not Israel who were of Israel. Neither, (saith the apostle, Romans 9:7) because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children. Nor were they other than Jews to whom Christ said, 1 Thessalonians 8:39, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham; and, 1 Thessalonians 8:44, Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. Our Saviour therefore in saying, Forsomuch as he also is a son of Abraham, intendeth much more than that he was a native Jew, (if indeed he were so, for that is not certain), viz. that he was a believer, a son of Abraham considered as the father of the faithful; a genuine son of Abraham, rejoicing with him at the sight of his day, and believing with him, so as it was imputed to him for righteousness; and salvation is already come in a sure title, though not in actual possession, to every soul that is such a one. For the Son of man (saith he) is come to seek and to save that which was lost. We had the same, Matthew 18:11: See Poole on "Matthew 18:11".

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